Archive for August, 2008
Happy Birthday Jon (Opera’s CEO)
We would like to wish you a very happy birthday. I guess celebrating birthday is not all about that “free day”, but rather spending some time with whom you enjoy to, Opera Software employers and Opera users this time.
Yes, Jon is working today, on his birthday :-)
Yahoo! Promotes Firefox?
First, it was Google who decided to promote Firefox, and now..? Yes, Yahoo! started to do that as well. Welcome “Firefox 3 Yahoo Edition”.
So here’s how their home page looks like: Continue Reading
Internet Explorer 8 (IE8) Beta 2 Released
As promised by Microsoft earlier, the 2nd beta of Internet Explorer 8 was released today. I really never thought to say that about IE, but it feels “OK” and assuming the fact that it’s only a Beta 2, it has a bit of potential to stop losing big pieces of market share every month.
What’s new in Internet Explorer 8 Beta 2?
New Tab experience
Here’s what you are going to see after new tab opened Continue Reading
Internet Explorer 8 (IE8) vs. Internet Explorer 7 (IE7) (Performance)
I’ve some great news for Internet Explorer users. While IE8 Beta 1 had some performance improvements over IE7, it was not enough and developers knew that. As a result, they’ve made Internet Explorer 8 even faster. As it says:
Some of the tests we have done show pure JScript performance improvements up to 2.5 times. We also measured the performance gains on common Gmail operations, like loading the inbox (34%), opening a conversation (45%) and opening a thread (27%) compared to IE7. Continue Reading
Mozilla Firebug 1.2 Released
Good news from the web developers. Firebug 1.2 Final is now released and can be downloaded here. As you may find out from the changelog, there were plenty of changes made.
What was changed?
== Enablement UI ==
* Disable always: when the Firebug UI is not active on any page, the debugger is disabled (minimal overhead)
* Instant on: when the Firebug UI is active, HTML, CSS, DOM views activate (minimal overhead)
* Script panel user-activation: initially disabled or enabled always Continue Reading
No Opera 10 yet, Introducing Opera 9.6
I bet some of you were expecting to see Opera 10 first preview releases after Opera 9.5 was introduced. This won’t be happening any time soon because few days ago Opera Team introduced 1st snapshot of Opera 9.6.
What’s new?
As from “First 9.60 Snapshot!” post:
Opera Link
Custom search engines and typed history* are now joining bookmarks, speed dials, personal bar, and notes in Opera Link. Continue Reading
Firefox 3.1 to Receive a JavaScript Performance Upgrade
Guys from Mozilla Firefox team aren’t sleeping. Few days ago they’ve launched a JavaScript engine called TraceMonkey which will be ported in the upcoming Firefox 3.1 release.
So to make it short: in some benchmarks, new engine is almost 40 times faster than the old one! Can you imagine that?
Just take a look at those benchmarks: Continue Reading
Internet Explorer 8 (IE8) and Private Browsing
Rumors are all over the net that the upcoming release of Microsoft’s next generation web browser IE will feature a private browsing feature (Mozilla Firefox decided to drop this one and haven’t or won’t include in Firefox 3.0/3.1).
So what is this all about?
Private browsing enables user to surf the web without leaving any “logs “about its activity. There will be no caching, cookies, history or neither the form data.
Why would you need this feature anyway? As most people notice, it’s for adult site users. Of course, this is not the only use. Some of the IE users requested this feature for ages. Maybe Microsoft is finally listening to its users?
Opera 9.52 Released
Opera Team today released an update for its Opera 9.5 series web browser which is 9.52. The following release fixes quite a lot of issues in the following areas: user interface, mail, news, chat, display and scripting, security and more.
Changes since Opera 9.51
User Interface
Added several improvements to the icons and skin
Added a bookmark path to autocompleted bookmarks in the address bar to better distinguish them from visited pages
Added a Help button to “Engine Init() Failed” error message on start-up to inform users about a problem Continue Reading
Press Releases – Opera
I always wanted to share all the news about web browsers. However, there are plenty of those which are just “too small” to be posted.
So from now on, every few days (or a week) we will have a short brief of some of them.
Jamba and Opera Software integrate premier content into mobile browsers
(Opera links Jamba bookmark to enable faster Web browsing).