Archive for October, 2008
Opera 10 to Have Inline Spell Check
Finally, right step was made towards Opera web browser development. With the Opera 9.6 released post, one of the Opera developers (olli) included this:
Starts testing Peregrine and Inline Spell check
Yes, it will finally have integrated inline spell check, just like every other browser. What’s next? Auto complete? Who knows, maybe.
Opera New Promotional Video
And it’s called “Sketch of my life”
Maybe it makes sense to Opera users. Only few seconds of mentioning Opera? Why use it? What are the benefits? Why “blue e” is worse? Come on, you can do it better.
Opera 9.6 Released
Here it is, a new version of Opera web browser is now released. The following release introduces some nice features, updates and even performance improvements which will surely help this browser to grow its user base.
What’s new in Opera 9.6?
Expanded Opera Link
Opera lets you take your favorite search engines and the browser history you enter wherever you go. Opera Link also synchronizes notes taken in your Opera browser, your bookmarks, Speed Dial and personal bar. Continue Reading
Firefox 3 – 8 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Do
This one sounds good. Logan Kugler posted about 8 things which you probably didn’t knew about Firefox 3, such as:
Duplicate tabs with drag-and-drop.
Minimize the toolbar.
Use smart bookmarks.
Send e-mail via Yahoo! Mail or Gmail by default.
Change the behavior of the Awesome Bar.
And bit more…
Safari Web Inspector Redesign
As it turns out, few days ago Web Inspector has received a redesign as well as some improvements under the hood.
Few changes which I’d like to quote:
First and foremost, the Web Inspector is now sporting a new design that organizes information into task-oriented groups — represented by icons in the toolbar. Continue Reading
Mozilla Tries to Increase Firefox Retention Rate with a New Contest
Mozilla team launched a new contest for everyone who is interested in helping increase Firefox retention rate which is 25% so far (number of people who’ve downloaded Firefox and continue using it).
The contest will roll out in two phases. For the first one, due on October 24, participants must provide a 2-page executive summary of their project that should stay within a $10,000 budget. Mozilla will choose which proposals advance to the next phase, and participants will have until December 5 to submit detailed descriptions that will be presented to the community for final voting. Continue Reading
Google Chrome and Safari Gains. Firefox, Opera, IE Loses (September 08)
After the recent Google Chrome launch it’s time to check new web browsers market share data.
Internet Explorer continues to lose market share, this time it felt by 0.63%, from 72.15% to 71.52%
Firefox lost some market share as well; it felt from 19.73% to 19.46% (0.27% decrease). Continue Reading