Archive for April, 2010
Xbox 360 Web Browser, Not Anytime Soon
Even though Xbox 360 rivals, such as PlayStation 3 and Wii, offer some kind of web browsing experience, Microsoft has no plans to introduce the very same for its console, anytime soon.
Aaron Greenberg, the Xbox director of product management said: “We really believe that the web browsing experience on TV is a poor one, and the real magic is to take those web experiences and optimize them for the living room. That’s what we did with Netflix. So, sure, you can go on the PS3 and go to Facebook and and try to navigate, but it’s an absolute nightmare.”
Opera Mini for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch Approved
This is it; Apple has just approved Opera Mini, world’s most popular mobile web browser. It appears that company is not as evil as some people have thought.
Furthermore, you can download it at no cost.
Congratulations to Opera Software.
Visit App Store.
Thanks to Michael Pürmayr for the news tip.
Weekly Browsers Recap, April 12th
- A Closer Look at Internet Explorer 9 Hardware Acceleration Through Flying Images
- Microsoft: IE9 Preview Downloads Taking Off
- Microsoft finally to close the VBScript hole in Internet Explorer
- Mozilla’s Q1 2010 Analyst Report – State of the Internet
- Aza Raskin Joining Firefox
- Firefox with Direct2D: Speed you can feel
- Firefox 3.6.3 security update now available
- Firefox 3.5.9 and 3.0.19 security updates now available
- Improved Flash Player Support in Chrome
- Dev update: Integrated Adobe Flash Player Plug-in
- We will launch 3D apps via Chrome soon
- Google Chrome Developer Update – Geolocation and Incognito Extensions
- Is Apple giving Opera for iPhone the Google Voice treatment?
- Opera Mini Sees 50.5 Million Mobile Users In February, Up 145 Percent
- Opera to showcase revenue-generating Web solutions at NAB 2010
- The big change coming to Safari 5: Kernel-level multi-processing
- Plugging the CSS History Leak
- Privacy-related changes coming to CSS :visited
- Javascript in the commandline
- Interesting times for Video on the Web
- Quake 2 running in HTML5 browsers
- First look: Skyfire for Android
- LG ships first phone with HTML5 browser
- Thanks to Andrew, Daniel Hendrycks, Demir Lugonic, mabdul, Nab and Nox for links.
P.S. Sorry for missing last week’s recap and some news (was traveling + missed flight back), still catching up :-)
WebKit2 is Coming, More Stable than Ever Before
Recently, one of the Apple employers has announced a new WebKit framework, that they call WebKit2.
One of the main framework goals is to utilize a split process model, so the web content would be placed into a separate process. As a result, bad plugin, tab etc. won’t crash the whole web browser.
This behavior is very similar to Chrome’s; however, as split process module is directly integrated into WebKit2 framework, other clients will be able to use it as well.
As for today, initial versions are available for Windows and Mac platforms.
Thanks to Blake for the news tip.
Internet Explorer 8 Keeps Crashing? Get Rid of Add-Ons
Sometime ago, Microsoft has published a paper called “Enhancing the performance of Windows Internet Explorer 8” (download here), which states that add-ons are responsible for more than 70% of IE8 crashes and browser sluggishness.
In addition, company has also shared a list of 20 most popular IE8 extensions: Continue Reading
Hulu Now Works on Skyfire Browser
Although there is no announcement yet, it appears that Skyfire US users can now access Hulu content, which was previously blocked for an unknown reason.
SunSpider 0.9.1 Released
Today WebKit team has released an updated version of world’s most popular JavaScript benchmark. The key point of this release is more accurate results, which is achieved through bug fixes and few improvements.
You can try SunSpider 0.9.1 in the following page and compare it to 0.9 results here.
Notice any difference?
Opera Not Happy with Ballot Screen
Opera Software has reported a possible problem to European Union and Microsoft, where in rare cases; ballot screen would be hidden by Internet Explorer configuration windows.
Internet Explorer 9 Demo on nVidia Ion Netbook
“Here, Chris Pederson shows what the IE9 experience will look like with GPU-accelerated HTML5, JavaScript, and Direct 2D technology.”