Archive for March, 2011

IE9 to Firefox 4 Comparisons Are Misleading

By | March 31, 2011 | 9 Comments

IE9 to Firefox 4 Comparisons Are MisleadingAccording to Microsoft at least.

The Redmond firm proudly declared that IE9 had managed 2.3 million downloads a day after the browser’s release (14th of March), but is obviously feeling the heat with Firefox’s 4 more spectacular numbers.

Ryan Gavin, senior director of IE marketing, had the following to say:

With Internet Explorer 9, Firefox 4, and Chrome 10 all hitting their final releases recently, drawing instant comparisons around downloads or initial usage is a natural temptation, but unfortunately you can’t do it quite yet.

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Opera: Remove/Hide Blue Dots

By | March 31, 2011 | 8 Comments

Opera: Remove/Hide Blue Dots

Here is how you can disable the blue dots in Opera

The easy way:

– Download this Opera 11 skin
– Place it to C:\Program Files (x86)\Opera\skin (or similar location)
– Restart Opera
– Click Shift+F12 (or go to Appearance…), select second Opera Standard Skin
– All set!
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IE9 vs. Firefox 4 vs. Google Chrome 10 vs. Opera 11 vs. Safari 5

By | March 30, 2011 | 21 Comments

IE9 vs. Firefox 4 vs. Google Chrome 10 vs. Opera 11 vs. Safari 5Now here is a new benchmark for you to talk about: power consumption.

Turns out, Microsoft optimized Internet Explorer 9 not only for the performance but also for your wallet and productivity.

According to IE Blog, when it comes to power consumption, IE9 and Firefox 4 are the browsers to die for.

Want some good news? Just by using Internet Explorer 9 over Opera 11 you can have an extra hour of the battery life on your laptop!
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How Would You Change Safari?

By | March 30, 2011 | 6 Comments

How Would You Change Safari?

It’s that time of the week again…

How would you improve the desktop version of Safari web browser?

Hate When This Happens (Picture)

By | March 29, 2011 | 1 Comment

Hate When This Happens (Picture)

Hate When This Happens (Picture)

Via: Reddit

Why Opera Is My Default Web Browser

By | March 29, 2011 | 47 Comments

Why Opera Is My Default Web Browser

Even though I have written a plenty of what someone might call “Opera bashing” articles, the truth is: it’s my default web browser and have been so ever since version 7.

So what could possibly make me choose Opera over any other web browser? A couple of things.


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The History of Web Browsers (Picture)

By | March 29, 2011 | 64 Comments

From the dark ages to this day.
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Opera: Show Full Address Bar and Hide Web Button

By | March 29, 2011 | 3 Comments

Opera: Show Full Address Bar and Hide Web Button

Now here is something what I have just discovered: turns out, you can “disable” the big Web button near the address bar.

All you have to do is right click on it and check “Show Full Web Address”.

Opera: Show Full Address Bar and Hide Web Button

Job done.

Weekly Browsers Recap + Bonus Links, March 28th

By | March 28, 2011 | 0 Comments

Weekly Browsers Recap, March 28th

Continue Reading Is a Scam

By | March 28, 2011 | 6 Comments Is a ScamUses illegitimate methods to promote other web browsers.

Crash IE is a tricky little web site which is designed to crash Internet Explorer. Turns out, it’s a scam.

If you visit the mentioned page with the latest version of IE9, there is a big chance that your web browser will crash. Visit it with Google Chrome, Opera or Firefox and everything works like a charm.

So what’s the big deal? Here is a thing: change the user agent to IE and every other web browser will crash too! Now isn’t that nice?