Archive for April, 2011

Opera Turbocharges Opera Turbo

By | April 11, 2011 | 12 Comments

Opera Turbocharged

Now here is something for the cheerleaders.

Web site compression technology, Opera Turbo, has just received a significant upgrade which will certainly improve your browsing experience.

Thanks to WebP compression, JPEG images not only do look better now but also take less time to load (see picture above).
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Do You “Like” Us On Facebook Yet?

By | April 11, 2011 | 2 Comments

Firefox 5 Supposedly Coming Out On the 21st of June

By | April 11, 2011 | 3 Comments

Firefox 5 Supposedly Coming Out On the 21st of JuneAn aggressive release schedule for the next version of Firefox has been set by Mozilla, indicating that Firefox 5 is to come out on the 21st of June. Firefox 6 could be brought to the public just two months later if Mozilla keeps up with its schedule.

Nightly, Aurora, Beta, and Firefox being the series of versions that new features have to go through, Firefox 5 has to hit the Aurora channel by the 12th of April and reach the Beta channel by the 17th of May to meet the release deadline.
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The European Commission, Browser Choice, and Fair Play

By | April 11, 2011 | 9 Comments

The European Commission, Browser Choice, and Fair PlayThe company behind Maxthon has filed a petition, asking the European Commission to change the way it counts web browser market share on Windows PCs.

According to the official blog post, when it comes to the browser ballot screen, the EC should only count the number of Apple Safari users on Windows and not Mac OS machines, as it gives an unfair advantage to Apple and hurts smaller parties.

As you might know, market share determines the top 5 positions of the browser ballot screen and for the company that claims to be the world’s 5th largest web browser maker on Windows PCs, it’s kind of a big deal.

Google Chrome to Receive Scrolling Tabs

By | April 8, 2011 | 12 Comments

Google Chrome to Receive Scrolling Tabs

One of our readers, Shane Bundy, has noticed an interesting new feature that is planned for the future Google Chrome versions: scrolling tabs.

If you are not familiar with the scrolling tabs feature, see the picture above. It’s that arrow in the right corner which will appear after way too many tabs were opened and they no longer fit on your screen.

Hopefully, it can be disabled as well.

Google Chrome to Improve Security

By | April 7, 2011 | 3 Comments

Google Chrome to Improve Security

Even though Google already offers a variety of protection tools for its users (from Safe Browsing API to Sandbox), it does not stop here.

According to the Chromium Blog, Google is announcing a new feature that will protect users against suspicious downloads.

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The Story of Opera Employee

By | April 7, 2011 | 0 Comments

The Story of Opera EmployeeIf you are up for some reading, then here is something to check out.

Lawrence Eng, the former employee of Opera Software, has shared his story on what it was like to work for the company whose products are used by millions of people worldwide and how challenging can it be to actually create such software when each individual is different.


Download Opera 11.10 RC

By | April 7, 2011 | 21 Comments

Download Opera 11.10 RC

The first release candidate of Opera 11.10 has been just released and can be downloaded here.

According to the official blog post, the following version continues to polish the Speed Dial, includes lots of bug fixes and has various improvements that reduce the power consumption.

One thing I did not like about setup is the fact that it was trying to connect to the Internet (guess for the installation tracking purposes).

For a complete list of changes, visit the following post.

Thanks to everyone who sent this.

Internet Explorer 9 (IE9) vs. Firefox 4 vs. Google Chrome 10 vs. Opera 11 vs. Safari 5

By | April 6, 2011 | 16 Comments

Internet Explorer 9 (IE9) vs. Firefox 4 vs. Google Chrome 10 vs. Opera 11 vs. Safari 5

Some time ago, TomsHardware has published a nice list of benchmark results for the top 5 web browsers. Unfortunately, they did not test the final version of Firefox 4.

Well, this is no longer the case as the most recent tests now include the following:

Internet Explorer 9
Firefox 4
Google Chrome 10
Opera 11
Safari 5
Continue Reading v3 Launched

By | April 6, 2011 | 17 Comments

Wow, it’s been a while…

Back in 2008, we’ve launched an updated version of FavBrowser which is pretty similar to what you are seeing now, err… I mean used to see.

Many years ago (2007 that is), only fanboys cared about the web browsers, no one reported their market share (*cough*, we started that) and it just wasn’t a cool thing to talk about.
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