Archive for June, 2012
Concept: Internet Explorer 10 Desktop UI
Clean and simple.
Well, since I have nothing better to do, here are some concepts that show how could the desktop version of the Internet Explorer 10 look like if Microsoft decides to “metrofy” it.
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Download Google Chrome 19 For Ipad And Iphone
Slow yet feature rich.
Well, what do you know, after the recent Google Chrome release for the Android devices, here comes another one but this time it’s for the iOS.
Available for both iPhone and iPad, the following (and first) release includes a much slower version of the WebKit rendering engine (Safari’s Nitro is 4 times faster in the JavaScript benchmarks), desktop UI and same old problems that every other browser faces: you can’t set it as a default web browser.
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Google Chrome Has 310 Million Users, Doubles The Growth
Other browsers hide in shame.
As the Google I/O conference continues, the search giant has revealed some interesting stats regarding its Google Chrome web browser.
As it turns out, it now has:
– 310 million active users as they grew almost 100% over last year
– Google Chrome processes over 1 TB of data every day
– Users type 60 billion words daily
– … and lastly, thanks to its superior rendering engine, it saved a total of 13 years of time
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Download Google Chrome 18 Final For Android
Finally drops the beta tag, available to download right now.
During the Google’s I/O conference, the search giant has also published the Final version of the Google Chrome web browser for Android.
As expected the Beta to Final transition mostly focused on stability and performance improvements. However, Google also said that they have been working to improve the overall experience for the tablet users, which is always a welcome step forward.
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Download Firefox 14 Mobile For Android
Includes dramatic improvements.
After announcing that something big is coming, Mozilla has revealed the 14th version of the Firefox Mobile web browser for the Android devices.
According to the official blog post, Firefox 14 Mobile has significant performance improvements in many different areas, ranging from startup to page load times.
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EU Joins Microsoft To Protect Users Privacy
Even though EU and Microsoft aren’t exactly the best friends, it looks like both of them have found a common enemy: users tracking.
Recently, the software giant has informed that the upcoming release of the Internet Explorer 10 will have a “Do Not Track” feature enabled by default, which made advertising agencies unhappy. As a result, W3C has updated the DNT draft and asked web browser makers to disable such feature during the initial software launch.
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What’s Inside Microsoft’s AOL Patents Pack?
Few months ago, Microsoft has acquired a total of 925 patents from the AOL that are worth more than $1 billion.
Although 650 of those patents were later sold to Facebook for $650 million and remaining 275 licensed as well, it made us wonder, what exactly did Microsoft buy?
Thankfully, we have just learned more about the deal and it’s pretty fascinating. While we won’t tell you about all the juicy details, here is what they got when it comes to web browsers, at least according to the Envision IP:
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Internet Explorer 10 Features Dramatic JavaScript Improvements
With the launch of the Internet Explorer 9, Microsoft has introduced a new JScript engine called “Chakra”, which improved the overall browser performance, thanks to the JIT (just in time) compilation on a separate CPU core as well as other improvements.
Now, with the upcoming release of the Internet Explorer 10, the software giant is looking to evolve it even further.
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Watch Windows Phone 8 Summit (Full Video)
With Internet Explorer 10 and more.
If you are curious to see the upcoming IE10 browser in action, check the full Windows Phone 8 Summit video above. Not interested in everything? No worries, browsers start at: 15:00 and 39:00!
Alternatively, check our recent post about the very same presentation.
Internet Explorer 10: Anti “Do Not Track” Video Is Here
Wacka, wacka, wacka…
An investment bank called “LUMA Partners” has produced one of the worst videos we’ve ever seen, so check it out!
With companies like this, no wonder that our banking system is a mess.