Archive for February, 2014
January, 2014 Mobile Market Share: Safari, Google Chrome, Opera Mini, Internet Explorer – Up; Android Browser – Down
It’s time to kick things of with the very first market share report for the year 2014.
Starting with Safari, Apple’s web browser has managed to increase its market share by 0.14 point, from 54.82% to 54.96%.
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Mozilla Reveals Firefox Launcher For Android
Now here’s something unnecessary. If you are looking for a product identical to that of EverythingMe’s (see video above) where the only difference is an inclusion of Firefox web browser then good news, because Mozilla & EverythingMe has just announced exactly that at the InContext Conference.
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Battery Life: Internet Explorer 11 Vs. Google Chrome 32 Vs. Firefox 26 Vs. Opera 18
Windows 8.1 is the OS.
When it comes to browser power consumption, it looks like Internet Explorer 11 is still the king of the hill.
According to the latest test done by guys at 7source, there is a staggering difference between the best (IE11) and the worst (Opera 18) web browsers. In fact, on your Toshiba Encore 8″ tablet, you could surf the web for as long as 8:52 hours or as little as 6:11 hours, depending on your software of choice.
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Google’s Chrome Head Could Be Microsoft’s Next CEO
Spicing things up.
Now here’s an interesting turn of events. While everyone thought that Satay Nadalle was pretty much affirmative for the next CEO, SiliconAngle reports that there is another, external, candidate: Sundar Pichai, Google’s SVP of Chrome and Apps.
He has joined Google in 2004 and has worked on projects Chrome OS, Google Chrome and Google Drive. According to Dave Vellante, the chief analyst at Wikibon, “Microsoft could really move the ball down the field with Sundar Pichai in creating a new open operating system model for cloud, mobile, and social. The market has been looking for a CEO who can balance the role of leading the enterprise transformation while keeping that consumer momentum with xBox and reboot mobile. Pichai is the total package of technology leadership and business acumen.”
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