Archive for January, 2016

Good Bye and Thank You!

By | January 14, 2016 | 37 Comments

Good Bye and Thank You!

Hey guys,

As the title suggests, I am saying good bye to this little project of mine. It’s been an absolute pleasure to write about the web browsers, join / create flame wars and just be a part of this passionate community. Here’s a small secret: during tough times, while I was extremely sick, I would first post a news article, and only then call the ambulance / be taken to the hospital. I was extremely committed on keeping you updated but after 7 years (I’ve started this blog when I was 20 years old), it is time for me to move on.

FavBrowser will live on, and will be updated by the new and awesome people so don’t worry. Just give it some time.

What am I going to do next? Focus on my health, investments and organic tea / hosting projects. Feel free to add to me on Facebook if you want to chat / keep in touch or join this post discussion here.

I am extremely grateful to all of you. Take care and thank you, thank you, thank you!