Social Reading Hits RockMelt

By | November 8, 2011

Remember when RockMelt announced the Social Reading feature which they believed will revolutionize information sharing on the internet? Well, it’s finally here.

Social Reading Hits RockMelt
When a website that supports Social Reading is accessed, users will notice the new highlighted section at the top. There, users can see articles that are popular and trending with all RockMelt readers, as well as what’s popular with the RockMelt friends a user holds. Clicking on their picture causes a list of their recently read articles to pop up.

If Social Reading is on, users can aid their friends in discovering interesting content just by clicking on articles inside the app and on the site itself. If surfers are not interested in sharing what they are reading, they can simply turn off Social Reading in one click.

Websites That Support Social Reading:

  • BBC
  • BuzzFeed
  • CNN
  • Engadget
  • ESPN
  • Fail Blog
  • Fox News
  • Gizmodo
  • Huffington Post
  • Kotaku
  • Life Hacker
  • Mashable
  • New York Times
  • Pitchfork
  • Techcrunch
  • The Onion
  • Wall Street Journal

A full list of supported websites is to appear soon according to RockMelt. Surely FavBrowser can join in the fun?

About (Author Profile)

Being passionate about software, Armin joined in early 2011 and has been actively writing ever since. Having accepted the challenge, he also enjoys watching anime, indulging in good books, staying fit and healthy, and trying new things.

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