Google Chrome Has 310 Million Users, Doubles The Growth

By | June 29, 2012

Google Chrome Has 310 Million Users, Doubles The GrowthOther browsers hide in shame.

As the Google I/O conference continues, the search giant has revealed some interesting stats regarding its Google Chrome web browser.

As it turns out, it now has:

– 310 million active users as they grew almost 100% over last year
– Google Chrome processes over 1 TB of data every day
– Users type 60 billion words daily
– … and lastly, thanks to its superior rendering engine, it saved a total of 13 years of time

Google Chrome Has 310 Million Users, Doubles The Growth

Not bad, not bad at all.

[Picture Source: Engadget]

About (Author Profile)

Vygantas is a former web designer whose projects are used by companies such as AMD, NVIDIA and departed Westood Studios. Being passionate about software, Vygantas began his journalism career back in 2007 when he founded Having said that, he is also an adrenaline junkie who enjoys good books, fitness activities and Forex trading.

Comments (11)

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  1. Przemysław Lib says:

    Cheers for Chrome!

  2. Tiago Sa says:

    Didn’t Firefox have 400million like two years ago? And since their users supposedly keep growing despite their marketshare supposedly being on a decline, I’m guessing Chrome still has fewer users than Firefox.

  3. grg says:

    ahead of the pack. That ad on on the top right helped it. Chromegrats!

    • Jillxz says:

      Google Pays companies and people to promote Chrome.  Firefox and Opera do not.  Chrome is a sucker , in more ways that one.

  4. Mikah says:

    According to on Dec31 2011 there were 2,267,233,742 Internet users & Chrome has 20% browser share 310 million seems a bit low maybe mobile use is growing faster than I thought.

  5. cyberstream_us says:

    Creepy: Google monitors your keystrokes in Chrome! I have a feeling they are not using the information that they collect just to boast at conferences about how many words are typed in Chrome daily.

    • Have you watched their I/O about Google Now?

      They said something like: we know when you wake up, we know when you go to work, we know when your airplane is late, etc.

      It was pretty creepy, 

      • cyberstream_us says:

        I have not seen that video. It definitely sounds creepy! It’s amazing how much information companies can get away with collecting as long as they use it to develop useful, innovative features.

  6. Speedseekr says:

    Chrome is showing all signs of becoming a “popular” browser. My poor macbook. 

    • Yoyo says:

      IE was most popular but it was never the best, same goes to chrome will be popular but best no.

      Off topic.

      Opera will be best.Sad for people leaving Opera saying that it is slow.
      Opera is bloody hard to crash and have lot of features now with extensions it is too good.

      • Jillxz says:

         Opera is slow.  I have tried to use Opera several times and each time had to uninstall because it was slow.  So is Firefox , but I use a Firefox Clone called Pale Moon that is a whole lot faster than Firefox.  Not buggy either.