May, 2010 – Internet Explorer, Firefox Share Goes Down; Chrome, Opera and Safari – Up

By | June 1, 2010

May, 2010 - Internet Explorer, Firefox Share Goes Down; Chrome, Opera and Safari - UpAnother month, another market report. Let’s begin.

Internet Explorer market share fell down by 0.26 point, from 59.95% to 59.69%.

Firefox still struggles to reach 25% market share, this time it went down from 24.59% to 24.35% (0.24 point decrease).

Not a big surprise here, Chrome managed to increase its market share by another 0.32 point, up from 6.73% to 7.05%.

Safari slowly nears 5% market share mark, increasing its share by 0.05 point, form 4.72% to 4.77%.

Opera did very well last month and grabbed a nice piece of share, going up from 2.30% to 2.43% (0.13 point increase).

Strangely enough, Opera Mini lost 0.05 point of the market share, falling down from 0.79% to 0.74%.

Here is a market share graph, as from HitsLink:

May, 2010 - Internet Explorer, Firefox Share Goes Down; Chrome, Opera and Safari - Up


About (Author Profile)

Vygantas is a former web designer whose projects are used by companies such as AMD, NVIDIA and departed Westood Studios. Being passionate about software, Vygantas began his journalism career back in 2007 when he founded Having said that, he is also an adrenaline junkie who enjoys good books, fitness activities and Forex trading.

Comments (5)

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  1. Tiago Sá says:

    Google Chrome showing the first signs that it’s struggling as its market share goes up… They haven’t had an increase as slow as this since… a year ago?
    Meanwhile, Firefox is in its usual holiday break (it’s every year the same), so get ready Chrome, cause when September hits, and specially when Firefox 4.0 hits, you’re going down!
    Well, it’s going down mostly because it’s the same browser now, version 5, as it was in beta… No innovation. Firefox 4 is loaded with awesome innovative stuff!

  2. RamaSubbu SK says:

    I’m Happy for both
    (1) Opera is increasing
    (2) IE Share fell little bit only, this will force microsoft to release IE 9 a best browser ever.

  3. asfa says:

    Hi, IE up market share.. see the report..
    Firefox is the only down market share

  4. Bolt lover says:

    “Strangely enough, Opera Mini lost 0.05 point of the market share, falling down from 0.79% to 0.74%.”
    they should also check Bitstream’s Bolt mobile browser…… it’s now a decent contender against both Opera Mini 4.x and 5…….