Firefox 4.0 UI Redesign, Latest Screenshots

By | June 2, 2010

Here are the latest Firefox UI design mockups, straight from Stephen Horlander blog.


Firefox 4.0 UI Redesign, Latest Screenshots Firefox 4.0 UI Redesign, Latest Screenshots
Firefox 4.0 UI Redesign, Latest Screenshots

Firefox 4.0 UI Redesign, Latest Screenshots Firefox 4.0 UI Redesign, Latest Screenshots
Firefox 4.0 UI Redesign, Latest Screenshots

Add-ons Manager

Firefox 4.0 UI Redesign, Latest Screenshots Firefox 4.0 UI Redesign, Latest Screenshots
Firefox 4.0 UI Redesign, Latest Screenshots Firefox 4.0 UI Redesign, Latest Screenshots

Firefox 4.0 UI Redesign, Latest Screenshots Firefox 4.0 UI Redesign, Latest Screenshots
Firefox 4.0 UI Redesign, Latest Screenshots Firefox 4.0 UI Redesign, Latest Screenshots

Session Restore

Firefox 4.0 UI Redesign, Latest Screenshots

Firefox 4.0 UI Redesign, Latest Screenshots


Firefox 4.0 UI Redesign, Latest Screenshots Firefox 4.0 UI Redesign, Latest Screenshots

Firefox 4.0 UI Redesign, Latest Screenshots Firefox 4.0 UI Redesign, Latest Screenshots

What do you think?


About (Author Profile)

Vygantas is a former web designer whose projects are used by companies such as AMD, NVIDIA and departed Westood Studios. Being passionate about software, Vygantas began his journalism career back in 2007 when he founded Having said that, he is also an adrenaline junkie who enjoys good books, fitness activities and Forex trading.

Comments (25)

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  1. Tiago Sá says:

    To be reminded that these are just mockups, and not screenshots. There is no back end technology for half of this stuff, so it’s still very much under development.
    In other words: these are just ideas. I myself am trying to contribute with my own design, make sure the design issues raised by the new features are properly addressed (or that at least they are aware of them) and so on. It’s pretty exciting stuff.

  2. akiaki says:

    The whole skin was stolen from Opera. See
    Btw, not the first case Mozilla copies other’s work.

    • Tiago Sá says:

      It’s not, and thank god for that! Opera has some great ideas sometimes. It’s awesome that Mozilla copies them.

    • Foo says:

      Those are from Mars, this year. The part you call “copied” where already there in the December 2009 designs.

    • Foo says:

      I should have probably mentioned that there are extensions out there that adds most of the things the concept sketches have.
      Strata40 is probably the most known one. There’s also FOpera for those with that fetish.

  3. Dels says:

    ui reminds me much with Opera 10.5 release and they likely copy some features from osx finder or gnome nautilus… i dunno if it make accessible, that most preferences will be breakdown to each own page (looking at breadcrumb bar). i prefer much control in one page like opera:config, all-in-all it still looks nice

    • Foo says:

      They have stated several times that they were inspired by Finder, Windows Explorer, Windows Media Player, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Paint and a few other such applications to make it look more native.
      about:config is still there.

  4. yamin says:

    nice look
    but i dont think firefox will be that style
    i think its just themes and aero style made by people to modify it to firefox
    and i dont know what a gift mozilla will show in the future

    • Dels says:

      actually this was not skin or theme, it’s a mockup (except you don’t know what it’s mean) from Stephen Horlander the UI design at Mozilla Labs

      • Ichann says:

        Even if it is a mockup
        You can pretty much get the skin. I know I have been using it.

  5. aavv says:

    FF is awsome

  6. Ichann says:

    Finn-ally something I can look at (saw these canges a few months back)
    I like how it looks like Maxthon 3.
    Looks like they are going to include everything in tabs (same as maxthon)
    Waiting for Opera to copy the maxthon 3 menu. ……..

    • Dels says:

      maxthon 3 menu looks merely same with office 2010 menu… and looks like the original mockup for firefox 4, yes i agree this was better approach… but opera decision to get the menu stick to windows border was true since they have a visual tab feature, which the menu will be look odd if designed like maxthon 3/office 2010 menu (except if the menu can grow larger or visually appeal to accomodate visual tab size)

      • Ichann says:

        Yes you can argue that it looks like 2010, but have you seen it being incorporated into a Browser before Maxthon? Yes it very darn looks like an original <i>mockup</i>, period. As you mentioned before these are just mockups, who knows, it may never see the light of day. Dels, stop contradicting yourself.
        Who uses visual tabs? I sure don’t.
        From the replies I’ve seen on my Opera not many people either. It is a pretty useless feature. Just give me the favicons and were good.

        • nvm says:

          Firefox came up with the home tab before that Maxthon tab was introduced.

          • Ichann says:

            Did I mention Home tab somewhere?
            Where they the first to implement it though?
            These designs are merely an evolution Microsofts ribbon interface as Dels said. Firefox didnt come up with squat.
            Extension Manager = Googles Extension manager
            Menus within Tabs = Maxthon implementation (note. Maxthon had these way before these mockups (no. I am not talking abouit version 3)
            “Eye Candy” = Office 2010 New dialogue. (I think that is how it looked) < don’t quote me on this one.
            All in All. If FF can successfully implement these changes, we will all be (Not mention, they need to include some extension function ability as inbuilt functions. – Rip Opera like no tomorrow. Everybody else has.)

          • Ichann says:

            Note: Looks like even Opera is starting to rip others. That new Menu button in 10.6 looks awfully familiar to these mock ups don’t you say. Well done to opera. :)

          • nvm says:

            How does Opera’s menu button look like these mockups?
            Also, Firefox showed the home tab before Maxthon introduced theirs. That’s the point.

      • Ichann says:

        Forgot to add. The Firefox ‘Eye Candy’ looks particularly familiar to the 2010 ‘open’ or ‘new’ screen (yeah I only have 2007)

    • Dels says:

      already download maxthon 3 beta… the menu looks different on XP, it’s not the same i’ve seen on this page:

    • Crackerflack says:

      Why would anyone copy Maxthon?
      Maxthon copied Firefox’s home tab.
      Opera already has its own menu button.
      Maxthon sucks. All those guys do is to rip off other browsers.

      • Ichann says:

        Yes of course their Chinese after all -racism
        On a more serious note, I was suggesting the menu thing. You know like in chrome when you open the extensions manager, it open within the tab and not a menu. To my knowledge maxthon had that a while back.

  7. nvm says:

    That looks pretty nice, actually. It’s about time Firefox started looking decent.

  8. Girish Mony says:

    Add on manager looks great.  I am expecting it so eagerly.