Firefox Tab Candy: Simple, Yet Convenient

By | July 27, 2010

Firefox Tab Candy: Simple, yet ConvenientAza Raskin has shared a Tab Candy concept for Firefox web browser, which essentially is as a hybrid of tab thumbnails and Fences.

Here is how it works:
While viewing all the tabs as small thumbnails, you group the tabs in categories, for example: work, home. While surfing “work” per say, you will only see tabs that are in this category.

Video demo:

In case you are interested, there is an alpha version already, download it here.

Already hooked up? Gizmodo commentator has also posted a Tab Candy song for you to check.

Thanks to Nox for the news tip.


About (Author Profile)

Vygantas is a former web designer whose projects are used by companies such as AMD, NVIDIA and departed Westood Studios. Being passionate about software, Vygantas began his journalism career back in 2007 when he founded Having said that, he is also an adrenaline junkie who enjoys good books, fitness activities and Forex trading.

Comments (10)

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  1. Sergiu says:

    Nirvana FTW!Other than that the feature is already my favorite new Fx4 feature. :)

  2. mabdul says:

    I have something similar in opera and every other browser: a new windows ;p totally crazy: organizing the tabs? WTF? create a new window and the same effect is given!

    • Foo says:

      You can save a window for later by simple drag-n-drop?
      You can filter through all tabs in all your windows from a single place?
      You can share your windows just like you can share a playlist in Spotify?
      You can get a clear overview of all your open windows and their content in a simple way?
      You can group windows and groups of windows, optionally naming these “windows” in a way that actually helps you?
      You can let another application give you a short summary or generate tabular data from the content of all your tabs in a window?
      This isn’t only about organizing tabs; there’s also the possibility of getting an alternative to, the currently useless, bookmarks.

      • nvm says:

        Not sure where you have been the past few years, but Opera’s Windows panel has had a quick find field there forever, which lets you filter open tabs in real-time.
        You can’t search tabs with Tab Candy right now, nor can you share it. At least not last time I checked. And those things are “for some future version”. The same goes for grouping groups (WTF).
        Yeah the Windows panel in Opera lets you filter tabs, get an easy overview, organize into different windows, drag and drop, etc.

        • mabdul says:

          thx. was on nature one and had no time to response ;)
          yeah. I’m using opera and – de facto – all the features are already in opera except the bullshitting coloring/put a image into a group.
          exchange the group with a friend? never thought off that this is really useful/every need this. only particular links – that goes about IM.
          mostly I don’t use bookmarks. only for really later use (needs months) –> or I let the tabs open and use them if I NEED them. my pc goes in hibernate or opera restarts all tabs.

        • Foo says:

          Quick Find for tabs has certainly not been there a long time. It was added around the time that Opera became completely unusable on Linux.
          But why open a separate panel? It’s much easier to use the location bar, which you can do with Tab Candy since its inception.
          Opening a bunch of windows is just a recipe for a cluttered disaster of a desktop.

  3. nvm says:

    Simple and convenient?
    Try “clumsy and over-engineered”. I thought this Aza guy was supposed to be a UX guy, but he makes stuff as if he was just a geeky programmer.

  4. Chuck Monroe says:

    That looks *awesome* – can’t wait to start using it all the time!

  5. Amazing indeed. Until now I used Opera’s multi – window functionality to manage tabs organization, but this is simply awesome (visual tabs are not visible on Opera panel), and this way it’s much more convenient. Naming sets is great.

  6. lolfang says:

    Opera needs this, but with less functionality. Just a new button, tab grouping, and that’s it. Also a new config to use Windows 7 icon hovering would be great.