
FavBrowser.com is a web browsers and web technologies oriented blog, created back in 2007 for both every day users and software enthusiasts from all over the world.

Visited by the hundreds of thousands of users every month, we are proud to have good relations with the web browser makers themselves, who continue to enjoy our posts and offer giveaways to our readers.

Over the course of all those years, FavBrowser still remains the only active blog to focus strictly on web browsers and has been a pioneer in the industry ever since.

FavBrowser was the first site to start reporting web browsers market share numbers, a common practice which is now done by all the popular news sites.

In addition to that, we have created a backup tool, which has been featured in PC World, Chip.de CD’s and magazines, covered by LifeHacker, Gizmodo, DownlodSquad and other popular sites.

We believe that FavBrowser is one of the main reasons why web browsers are cool again.

To put it simply: we absolutely adore web browsers!

If you have any inquires, please visit our contact page.

Our Team

About Vygantas Lipskas(Author Profile)

Vygantas is a former web designer whose projects are used by companies such as AMD, NVIDIA and departed Westood Studios. Being passionate about software, Vygantas began his journalism career back in 2007 when he founded FavBrowser.com. Having said that, he is also an adrenaline junkie who enjoys good books, fitness activities and Forex trading.

E-mail address: my AT favbrowser.com

About Armin Seuchter (Author Profile)

Having developed a passion for software, Armin joined FavBrowser.com in early 2011 and has been actively writing ever since. Having accepted the challenge, he also enjoys watching anime, indulging in good books, staying fit and healthy, and trying new things.

E-mail address: armin.seuchter AT favbrowser.com

Former Staff

Alejandro Yee Cota (Author Profile)

Russell Dowdy (Author Profile)

Ethan Piekarski (Author Profile)

Daniel Hendrycks (Author Profile)

Ameer Dawood (Author Profile)

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