Author Archive: Vygantas

Vygantas is a former web designer whose projects are used by companies such as AMD, NVIDIA and departed Westood Studios. Being passionate about software, Vygantas began his journalism career back in 2007 when he founded Having said that, he is also an adrenaline junkie who enjoys good books, fitness activities and Forex trading.

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Weekly Browsers Recap, September 26th

By | September 26, 2011 | 4 Comments

Weekly Browsers Recap, September 26th

[Thanks, Mikah]

Opera: Increase Default Text Size (Web Page Zoom Level)

By | September 26, 2011 | 15 Comments

Opera: Increase Default Text Size (Web Page Zoom Level)

If you don’t feel like reading small font size words in various web pages and can’t really be bothered to zoom in all the time, we have a simple solution: set a default page zoom level. Here is how:
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Only In Opera…

By | September 24, 2011 | 47 Comments

Only In Opera…

Crashes while loading a crash page due to previous crash that was also caused by a yet another crash page. There is a “Yo dawg” joke floating around. Version: 11.51 “Stable”.

Experience 3D View: No Glasses Or New TV Required

By | September 23, 2011 | 9 Comments

Experience 3D View: No Glasses Required

Who needs 3D glasses or special TV’s anyway when all you have to do is open a picture via your web browser or any picture viewer.

Hate New Facebook Features And Layout?

By | September 22, 2011 | 8 Comments

Hate New Facebook Features And Layout?

There is a solution for you. Try Google Chrome… Wait, what?

Acid3 Test Updated

By | September 21, 2011 | 22 Comments

ACID3 Test Updated

Makes life easier for the browser programmers.

Earlier this week, Ian Hickson, author of the Acid3 test has informed community about the update. According to the source, specific implementation checks of features have been disabled as they are likely to be heavily modified in the future or completely removed.

As a result, Firefox 6 and Internet Explorer 9 web browsers now achieves a perfect 100/100 score.

[Thanks, Blake, RamaSubbu SK]

Web Sockets: We Are The First (Hilarious Video)

By | September 21, 2011 | 2 Comments

[Thanks, Rafael Luik]

Mozilla’s Co-founder Leaves The Company

By | September 20, 2011 | 25 Comments

Mozilla's Co-founder Leaves The CompanyMike Shaver, the founding member of Mozilla in 1998, has decided to leave everyone’s beloved organization.

While it comes as a surprise, it’s nothing new to Mozilla. Earlier this year, Mike Beltzner, the director of Firefox has departed from the company as well, followed by John Resig, a JavaScript evangelist, who left Mozilla just few months ago.

As far as the future holds, Mike has not yet though about that, as he wrote: “I haven’t yet decided what’s next, though I have some exciting opportunities to explore. I am still truly, madly, deeply in love with Mozilla and the web it is building, and grateful for the opportunities that it’s created for me,”

Opera Buys Handster

By | September 19, 2011 | 2 Comments

Opera Buys HandsterToday, Opera Software has announced the acquisition of Handster, an independent Android content library, which also offers developer tools, services to mobile operators as well as device manufacturers and other app stores.

According to the press release, Handster supports a variety of platforms, including: Google Android, Java, Symbian, Windows Mobile, BlackBerry, netbook, tablet applications and has customers from such device manufacturers as MTS, Alcatel-Lucent, Ericsson, Huawei and LG.
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Weekly Browsers Recap, September 19th

By | September 19, 2011 | 0 Comments

Weekly Browsers Recap, September 19th