Author Archive: Vygantas
Vygantas is a former web designer whose projects are used by companies such as AMD, NVIDIA and departed Westood Studios. Being passionate about software, Vygantas began his journalism career back in 2007 when he founded Having said that, he is also an adrenaline junkie who enjoys good books, fitness activities and Forex trading.
Weekly Questions Recap, December 13th
Don’t forget that you will receive points for asking/answering questions and can redeem them for cool prizes.
- How many browsers do you have installed on your system?
- Have you ever tried blogging?
- Is Firefox doomed?
- How to disable automatic Opera tab stacking?
- What is your favorite feature in the current Opera 11 Beta ?
- What you think about Opera 11 beta ?
- What is your favorite Opera extension?
- Create new buttons in Opera ?
- How many of YOU are using Opera browser as default on desktop?
- Have you ever ask a site to “Open the Web” (ask it to stop block Opera or oither browsers) ?
- What is your favorite Opera feature ?
- Did you tried PaleMoon Project ?
- Should Adobe add sandboxing (protected mode) to Flash Player and Shockwave Player like they did for Adobe Reader x ?
Weekly Browsers Recap, December 13th
• Free Xbox 360 Slim
We are giving away Microsoft’s new Xbox 360 console…
• If Web Browsers Were Celebrities
A picture.
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Free Xbox 360 Slim
Holidays are just around the corner and we are giving away Microsoft’s new Xbox 360 console (or cash equivalent, in case you don’t want one).
– Follow us on Twitter
– Retweet this message (no more than one per day)
– Done
One lucky winner will be announced on the 24th of December.
That’s pretty much it. Happy holidays :-)
Firefox Easter Egg: about:robots
Open Firefox
Type “about:robots” in address bar
Here is another one (haven’t tested):
Press the button only once. Do NOT press it a second time! That blew my mind. I can’t believe pressing it a second time would do THAT…
Thanks, Reddit
Download Firefox 3.6.13 and 3.5.16
Here comes another batch of updates from Mozilla, as company has released Firefox 3.6.13 and 3.5.16 updates.
Both updates patch 11 security vulnerabilities where 9 of them are marked as critical.
According to official changelogs, Firefox 3.6.13 fixes a total of 68 bugs while Firefox 3.5.16 includes 49 fixes.
Firefox 3.6.13
Firefox 3.5.16
Internet Explorer 9 Receives Tracking Protection
Ad block reloaded.
The upcoming Internet Explorer 9 RC build (set for an early 2011 release) will include a couple of tracking protection features, Microsoft revealed earlier this week.
According to the official video, Tracking Protection will allow users to discover, who is tracking their activity, while Tracking Protection Lists provides them with a solution to easily block such sites from requesting their data.
Recent Federal Trade Commission (FTC) report might have an impact on Microsoft’s decision for such feature implementation.
Thanks, RamaSubbu SK.
Firefox 4 and Opera Dropping Websockets
From useful to dangerous.
It looks like Websockets aren’t so great after all (at least in the short term). According to Mozilla and Opera posts, both companies will be disabling support for such technology until serious security flaws are fixed.
Mozilla said that Firefox 4 Beta 8 will be the very first release to do so, while Opera has not yet commented on version specifics.
Recently, Adam Barth has shared a security study findings that raised a red flag for the current state of Websockets protocol.
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Today I Actually Used Chrome’s Incognito Browsing…
First, US announces world press freedom day and now this:
Must be one of those “weird” days…
Via: Reddit
Google Chrome 10 Introduces Crankshaft
The race is on.
Google Chrome fans will scream out of the excitement, as Google has recently released the very first build of Google Chrome 10 with Crankshaft.
What is that?
It is a new compilation infrastructure for Google’s V8 JavaScript engine.
Vygantas, it’s confusing and such, just give us benchmarks already.
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