Author Archive: Vygantas
Vygantas is a former web designer whose projects are used by companies such as AMD, NVIDIA and departed Westood Studios. Being passionate about software, Vygantas began his journalism career back in 2007 when he founded Having said that, he is also an adrenaline junkie who enjoys good books, fitness activities and Forex trading.
Download Safari 5.0.3
A couple of days ago, Apple released a new version of Safari 5 web browser that focuses on security, stability and usability improvements.
In addition, an update for Safari 4 was released as well (Safari 4.1.3).
– More accurate Top Hit results in the Address Field
– More accurate results in Top Sites
– Fixes an issue that could cause content delivered with the Flash 10.1 plug-in to overlap webpage content
– More reliable pop-up blocking
– Improved stability when typing into search and text input fields on and
– Improved stability when using JavaScript-intensive extensions
– Improved stability when using VoiceOver with Safari
Internet Explorer on Mac
Oh no.
Good news everyone, soon, you will be able to use Internet Explorer 6 on your Mac OS X!
On a more serious note, ie4mac is a soon to be released application that allows you to use IE6, IE7, IE8 and even IE9 web browser on your Mac.
According to the authors, you are invited to join the private beta test. All you have to do is enter your email in the following page.
Download Opera 11 Beta
As promised yesterday, Norwegian browser maker has announced a Beta version of Opera 11 web browser.
The following release includes a handful of new features, where the most notable are: tab stacking (see video below) and visual mouse gestures.
In addition, it also brings an improved address bar, updated email application, extensions auto update, bug fixes and much more.
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Weekly Browsers Recap, November 22nd
• Microsoft Caught Cheating in the Sunspider Benchmark
Oh boy, here we go again.
• Internet Explorer 9 Platform Preview 7 Released
Screams for more performance.
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Opera 11 Beta Tomorrow
Just a quick shout out from Opera Software as company plans to release the Beta version of Opera 11 web browser tomorrow.
Stay tuned.
Mozilla’s 2009 Financial Statement
34% increase in revenue.
For the calendar year 2009, Mozilla reported revenue of $104 million, up 34% from the year 2008 $78 million.
According to the statement, a whopping 97% of Mozilla’s income comes from the search deals. Unfortunately, company did not disclose the percentage of searches it sends to each search provider.
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Opera Blames Weather
Just when you think you’ve seen it all.
According to the latest Opera Software financial report, company saw a modest desktop users drop over the period of last two quarters.
What could be the reason for this?
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Opera Software Q3 2010 Financial Results
Recently, Opera Software has reported their Q3 2010 financial results.
Revenues continued to increase for the desktop browser, while Internet devices saw a 2% decrease (Q2 vs. Q3).
Opera Mini user base keeps growing while desktop browser lost more users.
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Microsoft Caught Cheating in the Sunspider Benchmark
Oh boy, here we go again.
If rumors are proved to be true, then Internet Explorer 9 has got some dirty tricks up its sleeve and they were just debunked.
To put it simply: Microsoft may be cheating in the Sunspider benchmark.
Mozilla’s engineer Rob Sayre was testing different web browsers until he noticed something odd.
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Internet Explorer 9 Platform Preview 7 Released
Screams for more performance.
Although it’s been a mere three weeks since the last IE9 Platform Preview release, Microsoft has recently released a yet another build that is Platform Preview 7.
According to the IE Team, since the release of Internet Explorer 9 Beta, it has already generated more than 13 million downloads and proved to be a huge success.
As far as this release goes, Platform Preview 7 continues its bug fixing marathon and real world performance improvements. Therefore, SunSpider benchmark results have improved as well.
As always, no UI for you.
Thanks, Toxigene.