Author Archive: Vygantas

Vygantas is a former web designer whose projects are used by companies such as AMD, NVIDIA and departed Westood Studios. Being passionate about software, Vygantas began his journalism career back in 2007 when he founded Having said that, he is also an adrenaline junkie who enjoys good books, fitness activities and Forex trading.

Author's Website

64-Bit Flash Player for Windows, Mac and Linux

By | September 16, 2010 | 2 Comments

64-Bit Flash Player for Windows, Mac and LinuxGood news, everyone, Adobe has just released a preview build of 64-bit Flash Player for Windows, Mac and Linux platforms.

Known issues:
– Video playback issues may appear on certain websites such as,, and
– Mouse interactivity in the Settings UI dialog does not work using Internet Explorer 9. Keyboard navigation works as expected. Please pardon our dust.
– Internet Explorer 9 is not yet final. As such, Adobe is continuing to work with Microsoft to resolve critical issues before the final release of Internet Explorer 9.
– This release will not receive automatic update notifications, and users will need to manually uninstall this preview before installing a standard shipping release of Flash Player

We are one step closer to 64-bit mainstream web browsers!


Internet Explorer 9, What’s New?

By | September 15, 2010 | 26 Comments

Internet Explorer 9, What's New?If you have not yet downloaded Internet Explorer 9 Beta, here is a link to do so.

So what’s new? Well, here is information straight from Microsoft itself, but with high quality images.

Streamlined design

The first thing you’ll notice when you open Internet Explorer 9 is the compact user interface. Most command bar functions, like Print or Zoom, can now be accessed by clicking the Tools button, and your favorites appear when you click the Favorites button. Otherwise, Internet Explorer gives you the basic controls you need, and lets the web take center stage.
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Download Internet Explorer 9 Beta!

By | September 15, 2010 | 20 Comments

And here you have it, a download link for Internet Explorer 9 Beta.


Exclusive: Internet Explorer 9 Screenshots

By | September 15, 2010 | 5 Comments

Exclusive: Internet Explorer 9 Screenshot
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Internet Explorer 9 Live Webcast

By | September 15, 2010 | 1 Comment

Internet Explorer 9 Live Webcast

The wait is almost over. Today, Microsoft will reveal everyone’s anticipated, Internet Explorer 9 web browser.

Can’t make it to San Francisco? Well, worry no more. You can tune in into the live webcast on Wednesday, 10:30am PST and experience “the beauty of the web” event for yourself.

Enable Image Resizing in Opera

By | September 14, 2010 | 9 Comments

Enable Image Resizing in Opera

If you ever wanted to have an Internet Explorer like functionality in Opera, here is how:

Open high resolution image (sample)
Click on “Fit to Width” icon (can be found under “View”, in the bottom right corner)

Thanks to Rafael Luik for tip.

Weekly Questions Recap, September 14th

By | September 14, 2010 | 1 Comment

Weekly Questions Recap, September 14th




Firefox 4 Beta 6 Renamed to Beta 7

By | September 14, 2010 | 8 Comments

Firefox 4 Beta 6 Renamed to Beta 7According to Mozilla’s Developer Center, company will issue a minor update to Beta 5 sometime this week, which will fix stability bug on Windows systems as well as OSX rendering and keyboard/mouse focus issues.

As a result of this update, upcoming Beta 6 release will be renamed to Beta 7 and it set for the second half of September release.

Google Integrates Instant into Chrome

By | September 14, 2010 | 7 Comments

Google Integrates Instant into Chrome

It looks like Google continues pushing its Instant search feature forward. The latest Google Chrome Canary build now includes an option to enable Instant via command line by using “–enable-match-preview” tag.

How to enable (Windows):
Right click on “Google Chrome Canary Build” shortcut > Properties > Shortcut tab
Copy/Paste “–enable-match-preview” at the end of “Target” field

"C:\Users\Vygantas\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome SxS\Application\chrome.exe" --enable-match-preview

Launch Chrome.

Weekly Browsers Recap, September 13th

By | September 13, 2010 | 0 Comments

Weekly Browsers Recap, September 13th

Microsoft Starts Advertising IE9
Although IE9 is yet to be released, it looks like software giant Microsoft has already began rolling…

Fake IE9 Video Leaks, Press Freaks Out
There seem to be a lot of buzz about the recently “leaked” IE9 video. If you have yet to see it, check…
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