Author Archive: Vygantas

Vygantas is a former web designer whose projects are used by companies such as AMD, NVIDIA and departed Westood Studios. Being passionate about software, Vygantas began his journalism career back in 2007 when he founded Having said that, he is also an adrenaline junkie who enjoys good books, fitness activities and Forex trading.

Author's Website

July, 2010 – Internet Explorer, Opera, Safari Share Up; Firefox, Chrome – Down

By | August 3, 2010 | 16 Comments

July, 2010 - Internet Explorer, Opera, Safari Share Up; Firefox, Chrome - Down

As we enter August, it is time to yet again, check the latest market share numbers.

Internet Explorer market share went up from 60.32% to 60.74% (0.42 point increase), reaching March, 2010 level.
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Firefox Tab Candy for Google Chrome

By | August 3, 2010 | 0 Comments

Firefox Tab Candy for Google Chrome

TabSense is a Firefox Tab Candy inspired extension that allows you to group your tabs into separate categories.

Install, click on the icon or simply press Shift+Ctrl+S and you are ready to go.

Future versions are also set to include tab movement, search and other features.

Thanks to Nox for the news tip.


Weekly Browsers Recap, August 2nd

By | August 2, 2010 | 0 Comments

Weekly Browsers Recap, August 2nd

Leaked IE9 Screenshots: Download Manager, Speed Dial
Earlier this week, Microsoft has confirmed Internet Explorer 9 Public Beta launch for September.

Firefox 4 Beta 2 Released
Mozilla has recently announced the availability of Firefox 4 Beta 2 web browser which can be downloaded…
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Opera Mini Served 1 Billion Page Views per Day

By | July 30, 2010 | 6 Comments

Opera Mini Served 1 Billion Page Views per DayYesterday Opera Software has announced that on July 25, 2010, Opera Mini users have generated more than 1 billion page views.

Over the last few years, Opera Mini grew significantly, processing just about 100 million page views in June 2008, it now serves more than 910 million pages per day.

“Crossing one billion pages views in a day is further proof that people desire the best Internet experience, no matter where they live or what device they use.” said Jon von Tetzchner, the co-founder of Opera Software.


Leaked IE9 Screenshots: Download Manager, Speed Dial

By | July 29, 2010 | 11 Comments

Leaked IE9 Screenshots: Download Manager, Speed DialEarlier this week, Microsoft has confirmed Internet Explorer 9 Public Beta launch for September. According to leaked slides however, it was supposed to be ready sometime in August.

Anyway, for your enjoyment, folks at Chinese web site called have posted a couple of possible Internet Explorer 9 screenshots. So lets dive in.
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Firefox 4 Beta 2 Released

By | July 28, 2010 | 0 Comments

Mozilla has recently announced the availability of Firefox 4 Beta 2 web browser which can be downloaded from the following page.

The following release brings JavaScript performance improvements, better responsiveness, CSS Transitions, tab-pinning, additional languages and more.


Safari Patches Address Book Bug, Activates Extensions

By | July 28, 2010 | 4 Comments

Safari Patches Address Book Bug, Activates Extensions

Today, Apple has released two web browser updates: Safari 5.0.1 and 4.1.1 that fix AutoFill security vulnerability reported back in June.

In addition to stability improvements and other bug fixes, version numbered 5.0.1 activates extensions that were reveled within the first Safari 5 release.

Extensions Gallery


Firefox Tab Candy: Simple, Yet Convenient

By | July 27, 2010 | 10 Comments

Firefox Tab Candy: Simple, yet ConvenientAza Raskin has shared a Tab Candy concept for Firefox web browser, which essentially is as a hybrid of tab thumbnails and Fences.

Here is how it works:
While viewing all the tabs as small thumbnails, you group the tabs in categories, for example: work, home. While surfing “work” per say, you will only see tabs that are in this category.

Video demo:
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Stable Google Chrome Releases Every 6 Weeks

By | July 27, 2010 | 5 Comments

Stable Google Chrome Releases Every 6 WeeksJust recently Google has introduced their new Chrome release cycle. According to it, new stable browser versions will now be available every 6 weeks. Therefore, major version numbers will be changing much faster.

There are three reasons for such change, company said:

Shorten the release cycle and still get great features in front of users when they are ready
Make the schedule more predictable and easier to scope
Reduce the pressure on engineering to “make” a release

What do you think about release cycle shift? Still excited about Google Chrome 10?

Thanks to Blake for the news tip.


Weekly Browsers Recap, July 26th

By | July 26, 2010 | 0 Comments

Weekly Browsers Recap, July 26th

Internet Explorer 9 to be the Fastest and Safest Web Browser
Microsoft’s Chief Operating Officer, Kevin Turner has made a bold statement, saying that Internet Explorer 9 will not only be the safest…

Firefox 3.6.8 Released
Recently Mozilla has released one more update for Firefox 3.6.x branch web browser that fixes 1 bug.

Mozilla Bumps Cash Rewards for Security Vulnerabilities Reports
In what appears to be a great benefit for Firefox users, Mozilla has recently bumped its cash rewards salary from mere $500 to $3000.
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