Author Archive: Vygantas
Vygantas is a former web designer whose projects are used by companies such as AMD, NVIDIA and departed Westood Studios. Being passionate about software, Vygantas began his journalism career back in 2007 when he founded Having said that, he is also an adrenaline junkie who enjoys good books, fitness activities and Forex trading.
Merry Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Yule, Festivus, etc. and Happy New Year
It is that day of the year again. As this post title says: Merry Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Yule, Festivus, etc. and Happy New Year :-)
And I’ll repeat what was said in the previous year post: It’s time to forget about web browsers and stop flaming. Well… At least for a day or two :-)
Happy holidays.
Something from FavBrowser: Browsers Dance
Mozilla’s and Google Relations Gets Complicated
According to Mozilla’s CEO John Lilly, the things between Mozilla and Google became bit more complicated since the launch of Chrome.
“We have a fine and reasonable relationship,” John Lilly, Mozilla’s CEO, said in an interview last week. “But I’d be lying if I said that things weren’t more complicated than they used to be.”
Of course, when Google supplies 88% of the Mozilla’s revenue, word complicated fits here perfectly.
News Posters Wanted at
Hi there,
Followed by Tiago’s advice, I am looking to expand news writer’s team from 1 to …
If you have a passion for web browsers and are interested (or want to know more details), feel free to send me a message via contact form.
The requirements are: Continue Reading
Opera Launcher
Here is a nice little tool for Opera users which is called Opera Launcher. What it does is basically expands web browser with setting such as:
No tray icon (my personal favorite)
Disables crash start up dialog
Backups data
and many more
Click here for more information and download link.
Weekly Browsers Recap, December 21th
Sorry for not posting last few days. Had no internet (provider problems) connection since Thursday. Time to catch up.
- Google Chrome To Become Default Internet Web Browser
- Recent Updates Flood in for Google Chrome
- Test Finds Google Chrome, Apple Safari Weakest in Browser Password Management
- Analysis: Is Microsoft’s IE Flaw The Last Nail In Its Desktop Coffin?
- Microsoft releases patch for critical IE security flaw
- Firefox now available for download
- Mozilla Officially Ends Support for Firefox 2
- Camino 1.6.6 Released
- Amaya 11 Released
Firefox 3.0.5 Released – No Eula
Mozilla team has released an update for its Firefox 3.0 branch web browser. The following release fixes 8 security vulnerabilities, adds more languages (Bengali, Esperanto, Galicia, Hindi, and Latvian) and no longer includes eula during installation.
Browsers Test: Midori vs. Firefox 3.0 vs. Opera 10 Alpha vs. Konqueror vs. Arora
It’s time to test some other web browsers this time. Who is the fastest browser among those in V8 Benchmark Suite and who scores most in Acid 3 test? Let’s find out.
Note: This article was written by one of our readers: Dainius. You may check the original post here (non English).
Test setup Continue Reading
Google is Wise, Chrome Updates Silently
Via Asa Dotzler blog.
Here is a great way to make sure that all of your software users are using the latest stable release, which usually fixes security issues and various bugs discovered: silent updates.
As he writes:
It looks like the folks at Google turned on the automatic (silent) update for Chrome beta users today. They should have all of their users on the latest version in just a few days.
Opera 9.63 Released
Opera’s desktop team has released an update for the 9.6x branch. The following release includes fixes 7 security issues discovered in the earlier Opera versions. It’s recommended to update your web browser as soon as possible.
Weekly Browsers Recap, December 14th
- Google dumps Firefox from download bundle, swaps in Chrome
- Fennec/Mobile Firefox coming to Symbian S60 in 2009
- Firefox, Chrome virtually tied for JavaScript speed
- Time for Mac Antivirus? Apple Safari Users Targeted on Facebook
- Microsoft Gets More Detailed About IE Vulnerability and Workarounds
- Skyfire rolls out UK mobile browser
- Net Applications again: Opera vs. Chrome – actual numbers vs. claimed market share