Author Archive: Vygantas
Vygantas is a former web designer whose projects are used by companies such as AMD, NVIDIA and departed Westood Studios. Being passionate about software, Vygantas began his journalism career back in 2007 when he founded Having said that, he is also an adrenaline junkie who enjoys good books, fitness activities and Forex trading.
2007 September Browsers Market Share Results
It’s time for yet another post about web browsers market share. You may check August results here.
It’s the second month since Internet Explorer is losing its market share. This time it felt from 78.68% to 77.86% (0.82% decrease).
What about Firefox? Good news for Firefox fans, this web browser managed to increase its market share from 14.56% to 14.88% (0.32% increase). Maybe will reach 15% soon. Who knows…
Safari is doing very well. Actually it managed to increase its market share from 4.68% to 5.07% (0.39% increase) and reached 5% of the market share. Congratulations.
Opera continues to lose its market share since July, even Opera 9.5 Alpha release haven’t increased it’s market share. This time it felt yet another 0.01%, from 0.88% to 0.87% (0.01% decrease).
Netscape slightly increased its market share after the previous 0.04% drop. From 0.71% to 0.72% (0.01% increase).
While Opera doing not so well, Opera Mini as always continues to increase its market share from 0.27% to 0.39% (0.12% increase).
That’s all.
Here’s a graph of current browsers market share. Thanks to HitsLink.
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Opera 9.5, Is This A Bug Or A Feature?
I was playing with Opera 9.5 Alpha a bit and noticed one annoyance. Let’s say that you are using Opera 9.23 and Opera 9.5 Alpha (Opera 9.5 Alpha is NOT set as a default browser) at the same time, got a message in any instant messenger with a link, basically if you click link, it should open with Opera 9.23 (as Opera 9.5 is NOT set as a default browser). However, somehow it opens links with Opera 9.5. So is this a bug or a feature (so we would “use” Opera 9.5″ more)?
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Firefox 3 Pre-Milestone 9 (Alpha 9?) 2007 09 28 Released
Yet another great Firefox 3 build from Firefox team. This is not a final version; use it on your own risk. They’ve fixed lots of bugs in the past week and recently released one more Firefox 3 Pre-Milestone 9 (Alpha 9?) 2007 09 28 nightly build. And here’s the changelog for the last nightly build.
Partial Landings/WIPs/Incoming:
Regressions/Annoying/Common bugs:
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Opera 9.5 Alpha, One More Build Released
Opera Desktop Team released one more Opera 9.5 Alpha version. While this build fixes many bugs it still contains lots of “known issues”. However, they are working on those bugs, as for now, I will stay with Opera 9.23. So let’s check the changelog.
New Features!
Bugs Fixed
Windows Only
Mac Only
Unix Only
Other Fixed Issues
Known Issues
Windows (Build 9562)
Windows Classic (Build 9562)
Macintosh (Build 4460)
Unix (Build 1600)
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Opera F5 Contest. Win Some Stuff
And the rules are really simple, what you have to do is to find incorrect information about Opera browser, for example that it contains ads in the top, etc.
Obviously, we don’t have to fix every old news article talking about previous versions of Opera, but general information sites without a specific publication date should be corrected to reflect the latest info.
When you’ve contacted a site, please post the URL in the contest page (so that others won’t contact the same site over and over again) and describe what you asked them to fix. I’ll send an Opera goodie-bag to the person who contacts the most sites in two weeks (deadline: Oct. 10th), and if you find/contact at least 5 sites with incorrect/outdated information about Opera, I’ll enter you into a random drawing to win one other goodie-bag.
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What Happens When You Have Low Market Share?
MSN Team just updated their home page. And here’s what happens when you are using Opera.
So what happens when you have low market share? They “accidentally” forget you.
Of course, you can click “Continue to MSN Video” and continue surfing, at least they allow you to do that.
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ZoneAlarm ForceField Beta Released
ZoneAlarm Forcefield beta has just been released for Windows XP and Windows Vista. It should be working with Internet Explorer 6-7 and Firefox 1.x-2.x versions. So what is it all about? It can protect you from various “bad things”. And as they say: “Protect yourself by creating a virtual “You” on any PC…”
ForceField lets you connect and communicate the way you already do online, only with a combination of protective measures that makes you impervious. It uses a virtualization engine that shields your computer and personal data from Internet and computer-based threats. It also includes numerous protection layers to combat phishing, spyware and dangerous file downloads.
Isn’t that a good idea?
It’s a Beta only, still many issues needs to be fixed. However, feel free to try it if you are interested.
Known issues:
Download ForceField 1.0.158 Beta.
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Netscape Navigator 9 Splash Screen Design Contest Entries
Netscape Navigator team are running a Netscape Navigator 9 splash screen design contest for a while. While you can’t submit your entries anymore, you may write a comment in their blog regarding your favorite splash screen design. I would go for #2 myself.
Click here to see all the entries.
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Opera 9.50 Alpha, Build 9542 Released
It’s Friday again and we’ve received yet another Opera 9.5 Alpha build from Opera team. So let’s check the changelog and see what they have added and/or fixed.
[BUG 284852] Wand doesn’t save new passwords; old passwords should work properly.
[BUG 278770] Gmail does not work on 64-bit.
[BUG 281679] Bookmarks are not sorted correctly.
Other Changes
Scrolling when GMail chat window open causes no more repaint corruption.
Messages will no longer erroneously be marked as drafts or unread when upgrading mail.
String.localeCompare now works correctly.
Getters and setters now work on DOM interface prototypes.
opera:config settings are correctly stored now.
Files are now correctly saved with file extensions.
Lots of SVG fixes.
Lots of stability fixes.
Several fixes to plugins.
The operapluginwrapper should not take 100% CPU anymore.
Scrolling with keyboard is now much smoother.
Mac Only
Removed proxy icon (icon in title bar)
Known Issues
Won’t run correctly on Windows 95 or 98.
Won’t work correctly on Mac OS X 10.3.
OS X version may cause persistent freezes on start-up.
POP server cleaning has been disabled: When disabling the “Leave messages on server” option, existing messages on the server are not removed.
[BUG 286384] Yahoo mail is broken.
[BUG 284849] Yahoo! Mail beta may crash Opera
[BUG 286186] There are no buttons in the customization dialog.
[BUG 286345] Search in widgets is broken.
[BUG 285741] Opera might freeze for a while when opening the feeds menu.
[BUG 271585] The last directory used is not remembered in the Save As and Open dialogs.
[BUG 264975] Graphical smilies do not work.
[BUG 280261] Removing messages from filters does not work.
[BUG 184894] Native OS X UI elements cannot be used in skins.
[BUG 213115] Queued mail is sent at the next check, instead of waiting for manual action.
[BUG 280536] Opera on OS X will sometimes freeze when exiting Preferences.
[BUG 274352] Upgrading with no mail/RSS accounts causes a mail upgrade that never finishes.
Time to download now (use it no your own risk).
Windows Classic
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