Category: Benchmarks

Weekly Browsers Recap, September 21st

By | September 21, 2009 | 2 Comments

Weekly Browsers Recap, September 21st

Thanks to Nox and Shane Bundy for links.

Battery Life: Internet Explorer 8 vs. Firefox 3.5 vs. Chrome 2 vs. Opera 9 and 10 vs. Safari 4

By | September 12, 2009 | 10 Comments

Now here is something completely different. Guys at AnandTech has decided to find out, how web browser affects battery life.

They have tested the following web browsers:

Internet Explorer 8
Firefox 3.5.2
Firefox + AdBlock
Chrome 2
Opera 9.64
Opera 10 Beta 3
Safari 4 Continue Reading

Browser Wars: Ultimate Browser Benchmark: Chrome 2 vs. Chrome 3 vs. Chrome 4 vs. Opera 10 vs. Firefox 3.5 vs. Firefox 3.6 vs. Internet Explorer 8 vs. Safari 4

By | September 7, 2009 | 64 Comments

With the release of Opera 10 Final, it’s time to find out, who is the king of performance in web browser area.

The following browsers were tested (with no settings changed):
Internet Explorer 8
Firefox 3.5.2
Firefox 3.6 (Alpha)
Chrome (Beta)
Chrome (Alpha)
Opera 10
Safari 4.0.3 Continue Reading

OS X: WebKit Outeperforms Chromium in JavaScript Benchmark

By | August 19, 2009 | 4 Comments

Ars Technica reports that the latest build of WebKit has outperformed Chromium by more than 15% in SunSpider benchmark.

They have also tested Safari 4.0.3, Firefox 3.6 Alpha 1, Firefox 3.5.2, Camino 2.0 Beta 3 and Opera 10 Beta 3 web browsers.

OS X: WebKit Outeperforms Chromium in JavaScript Benchmark
Lower is better

NSS Security Test: More Details Emerge

By | August 18, 2009 | 11 Comments

NSS Security Test: More Details EmergeHere are some more details from Ars Tecnica, which should clarify Microsoft and NSS Labs “sponsorship” deal.

In terms of sponsorship of the reports, “this stuff is expensive to do right, and we need to monetize it somehow,” Moy told Ars. “We invited Google, Mozilla, Apple, Opera to participate, but they didn’t even bother to respond, except for Opera, which stated they “don’t really focus on malware.”

Also, readers have noticed that Firefox 3.5 was not included in those tests, here is a reason (as from .pdf).

We would have liked to have been able to test Firefox 3.5 which was released on June 30, 2009, and attempted to test it alongside the other browsers. However, serious instability where the browser repeatedly crashed (a widely reported issue) along with poor results prevented its inclusion for the sake of fairness.

For NSS Security Test results, see the following page.


Chrome 3 Performance: Windows XP vs. Windows 7

By | July 19, 2009 | 6 Comments

BetaNews has recently made an interesting discovery (Is Google optimizing Chrome 3 for Windows XP netbooks?). As you might guess from the title, they suspect that Google is optimizing Chrome 3 for Windows XP and not for Windows 7.

Using the most recent v3 release (, they have published quite strange results. Turns out, XP has gained more than half a point over while same build in Windows 7 RC received a performance loss.

Windows 7 vs XP Chrome
Higher is better

For some more details and reasons behind that, you might want to check the original article.

Thanks to Help for sending this.

Microsoft Releases Silverlight 3 and it Looks Pretty

By | July 10, 2009 | 18 Comments

Introducing more than 50 new features, Microsoft Silverlight 3 Final has been released. With lots of improvements in many areas, H.264 video support, MP4, ACC, 3D and GPU hardware acceleration support and many more, Adobe should be really worried.

Flash vs Silverlight

In the recent benchmark between Silverlight 3 and Flash, Ryan Rea said: “Silverlight not only had lower CPU usage, but it also used the four cores more uniformly.”

To answer Opera users question: no, Opera is still listed under “not supported” browsers.

If you would like to experience the awesomeness of this release, head over to the following page for the 720P+ video.


Firefox 3.5 vs. Safari 4 vs. Opera 10 vs. Chrome 2 vs. IE8

By | July 1, 2009 | 40 Comments

Internet Explorer vs. Firefox vs. Chrome vs. Safari vs. OperaAdrian Kingsley Hughes from ZDNet has benchmarked Internet Explorer 8, Firefox 3.5 and 3.0, Safari 4, Opera 10 (alpha!) and Chrome 2.0 browsers using SunSpider, V8 benchmarks.

Chrome 2 wins in both benchmarks which is followed by Safari 4. In the V8 benchmark suite however, other web browsers lag behind by up to 36 times.

Results are as follow: Continue Reading

Weekly Browsers Recap, June 30th

By | June 30, 2009 | 1 Comment

Weekly Browsers Recap, June 30th

Internet Explorer vs. Firefox vs. Chrome vs. Safari vs. Opera

By | June 25, 2009 | 12 Comments

Internet Explorer vs. Firefox vs. Chrome vs. Safari vs. OperaIt seems that everyone is testing web browsers this week.

While some sites are posting usual SunSpider results, Codexon has decided to run something closer to the “real life situations”.

As a result, he loaded 10 web sites and calculated load time.

Sites used: – Chinese Google – Popular blogsite Continue Reading