Category: Internet Explorer

What’s Inside Microsoft’s AOL Patents Pack?

By | June 25, 2012 | 0 Comments

What’s Inside Microsoft’s AOL Patents Pack?Few months ago, Microsoft has acquired a total of 925 patents from the AOL that are worth more than $1 billion.

Although 650 of those patents were later sold to Facebook for $650 million and remaining 275 licensed as well, it made us wonder, what exactly did Microsoft buy?

Thankfully, we have just learned more about the deal and it’s pretty fascinating. While we won’t tell you about all the juicy details, here is what they got when it comes to web browsers, at least according to the Envision IP:
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Internet Explorer 10 Features Dramatic JavaScript Improvements

By | June 22, 2012 | 13 Comments

Internet Explorer 10 Features Dramatic JavaScript ImprovementsWith the launch of the Internet Explorer 9, Microsoft has introduced a new JScript engine called “Chakra”, which improved the overall browser performance, thanks to the JIT (just in time) compilation on a separate CPU core as well as other improvements.

Now, with the upcoming release of the Internet Explorer 10, the software giant is looking to evolve it even further.
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Watch Windows Phone 8 Summit (Full Video)

By | June 22, 2012 | 0 Comments

With Internet Explorer 10 and more.

If you are curious to see the upcoming IE10 browser in action, check the full Windows Phone 8 Summit video above. Not interested in everything? No worries, browsers start at: 15:00 and 39:00!

Alternatively, check our recent post about the very same presentation.

Internet Explorer 10: Anti “Do Not Track” Video Is Here

By | June 21, 2012 | 2 Comments

Wacka, wacka, wacka…

An investment bank called “LUMA Partners” has produced one of the worst videos we’ve ever seen, so check it out!

With companies like this, no wonder that our banking system is a mess.

Windows Phone 8: Internet Explorer 10 Detailed

By | June 20, 2012 | 12 Comments

In today’s Windows Phone 8 developer’s event, Microsoft has revealed some of the new Internet Explorer 10 features. Although they did not get into specifics, there are still tiny bits that are worth reporting.

Please note: Microsoft said that they will only talk about features that are developer related, so don’t expect anything else.
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Junior: The iPad Web Browser From Mozilla

By | June 18, 2012 | 5 Comments

Junior: The iPad Web Browser From Mozilla“Reinvents” web browser by borrowing ideas from the Internet Explorer 10.

Well, here is something different for your news flow. After releasing Firefox Mobile for the Android devices, Mozilla went ahead and skinned a new web browser for the iPad, which, as you might guess, does use WebKit to render everything.

After a small introduction, guys at Mozilla said that they “wanted to make something entirely new” and “look into how we could reinvent the browser for a new form factor.”
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Internet Explorer Tax. Sure, Why Not?

By | June 15, 2012 | 14 Comments

Internet Explorer Tax. Sure, Why Not?Free publicity helps.

If you have free cash to burn then here is something to be excited about.

Australia’s tech retailer, Kogan, has decided to charge the Internet Explorer 7 users a 6.8% tax, just because they haven’t upgraded.

Once they open the checkout page, the following pop up will be shown:
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Microsoft Fights W3C, Following The Updated “Do Not Track” Draft

By | June 11, 2012 | 7 Comments

Microsoft Fights W3C, Following The Updated “Do Not Track” DraftJust after enabling the “Do Not Track” attribute by default on IE10, guys at W3C have updated their DNT specifications as they now require web browsers to have this feature disabled during initial software launch.

Here is what they have to say:

Today we reaffirmed the group consensus that a user agent MUST NOT set a default of DNT:1 or DNT:0, unless the act of selecting that user agent is itself a choice that expresses the user’s preference for privacy. In all cases, a DNT signal MUST be an expression of a user’s preference.

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May, 2012: Google’s Chrome Share Up; Everyone’s Else – Down

By | June 8, 2012 | 24 Comments

After reaching the 50% market share mark, Internet Explorer reverted some of its gains and is back to 49.87%, 0.13 point decrease.

Only few more points remain as Google Chrome slowly climbs towards the 20% mark, up from 17.41% to 18.05%, 0.64 point increase.
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Xbox 360 Web Browser Video Walkthrough

By | June 7, 2012 | 0 Comments

Good news, guys at TheVerge have posted a video walkthrough of the Xbox SmartGlass for you to check out. If you are curious about the web browser only, video starts at 7:30.