Category: Mozilla
Meet Mozjpeg, Mozilla’s JPEG Encoder Project
Finally, something other than JavaScript.
Recently, Mozilla has announced a new project called “mozjpeg’”, which aims to improve the overall compression of JPEG images, hence also enhancing web page load times.
So what they did so far was to take a fork of libjpeg-turbo (a JPEG image codec that uses SIMD instructions (MMX, SSE2, NEON) to accelerate baseline JPEG compression and decompression) and combine it with ‘jpgcrush’, which, according to Mozilla, reduced the overall sample size of 1500 JPEG images from Wikipedia by 10%.
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Dell Charges £16.25 For Firefox Installation
Which makes it a rate of £100 an hour.
If you feel extra lazy today and can’t be bothered to install Firefox, then Dell’s installation service is here to rescue you. As it turns out, this is exactly what the tech giant is offering on newly purchased Dell kits.
Now, the story doesn’t end here, upon learning about such practices, Mozilla has started consulting with “legal teams” as this goes against their software distribution policy.
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Firefox New Tab Page Will Soon Display Ads
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Now here’s a new trend that will (hopefully) die soon: packing ads everywhere. The latest victim is Firefox web browser as Mozilla has announced plans to display ads in square slots that will be displayed in the New Tab page.
On a (slightly positive note), these ads will be displayed for first-time users only or the ones that haven’t occupied all tiles. Also, the open source organization said that “the sponsored tiles will be clearly labelled as such, while still leading to content that we think users will enjoy”.
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Mozilla Reveals Firefox Launcher For Android
Now here’s something unnecessary. If you are looking for a product identical to that of EverythingMe’s (see video above) where the only difference is an inclusion of Firefox web browser then good news, because Mozilla & EverythingMe has just announced exactly that at the InContext Conference.
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Mozilla Testing First Firefox OS Tablet
Starting with the low end.
It looks like the open source organization is pretty serious about its Firefox OS efforts, according to Asa Dotzler, the upcoming tablet (InFocus New Tab F1) will feature a quad core ARM SoC, 2GB of DDR3 memory and a 10.1 inch IPS screen at 1280×800 resolution.
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Mozilla: No Plans To Sell Firefox OS Phones In The US
Different CEO, different ideas.
While companies like Nokia are gaining popularity in the US due to their $80-99 no contract phone(s) (Lumia 520, 521), it looks like Mozilla has decided to take a different route and focus on developing markets.
Even though Mozilla’s previous CEO, Gary Kovacs, has confirmed that Firefox OS phones will be coming to US (Sprint network) in 2014, this appears to be no longer a case. According to Mitchell Baker, the open source organization has no more plans to launch phones in the US.
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Mozilla Is Working On A Chromecast Mirroring Alternative
Software over hardware?
It looks like Mozilla wants to get into the screen mirroring game. As see in the blurry photo posted by a claimed insider, Mark Finkle, the open source organization appears to have developed some sort of mirroring technology that (among other Android devices) works between a Roku box and Nexus 4.
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Firefox For Windows 8 UI Delayed
In case you are using a touch based web browser, then we have some good and bad news for you. The good news: Internet Explorer 11 is coming with Windows 8.1 (which is free). The bad news? It looks like Mozilla has postponed the launch of Firefox for Metro UI until late January, 2014.
However, there are more good news at the end of the tunnel. Even though the final Windows 8 version is not coming anytime soon, Firefox 26 will include a “Preview Release”, which should work just fine.
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Mozilla Reveals Aggressive Firefox OS Release Schedule
If you thought that Firefox OS for Mozilla was just a mere hobby, then could change your mind as the open source organization has just revealed a super aggressive release schedule, which is miles ahead its competitors, at least in terms of general availability cycles.
From now on, Firefox OS will receive quarterly feature updates and six weekly security updates for the previous two feature releases.
While 1.1.0 update required manual flashing, it remains to be seen whether or not Mozilla will be able to bypass carriers and push updates automatically over the air to all of its users. Otherwise, get ready for the far worse fragmentation than there currently is on Android.
Microsoft: We Are More Secure Than Google & Mozilla
During today’s WPC 2013 Event, Kevin Turner, Chief Operating Officer at Microsoft, boasted about their achievements in the security department and compared the number of vulnerabilities versus Google and Mozilla.
The slide above is pretty self explanatory but if you are wondering where they got these statistics from, it’s from Secunia’s Vulnerability Review 2013 report, which can be requested in the following page.
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