Category: Safari
Firefox 3 Beta 5 Beats Opera 9.5 Beta and Safari 3.1?
After yesterdays Adrian Kingsley benchmark test (Firefox 3.0 Beta 5 vs. Safari 3.1 on Mac OS X), I’ve decided to add Opera 9.5 Beta and run them on Windows machine.
Used latest browsers builds (nightly or weekly, all released on April 8th. So how were the results? They’ve actually shocked me a bit, so here you go:
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Firefox and Safari gains, Internet Explorer Loses, Opera Remains the Same (March 08)
Its a new month again and we already have March browsers market share results. So let’s begin. Shall we?
Yet another bad month for Microsoft Internet Explorer, this time its market share decreased by 0.08%, from 74.88% to 74.80%.
Mozilla Firefox is doing really well, this time it managed to increase its market share by 0.56%, from 17.27% to 17.83%. Continue Reading
How I Violated Apple’s Software License Agreement
Apparently I did that after installing Safari on my Windows machine as Apple’s Software License Agreement says:
“2. Permitted License Uses and Restrictions. A. This License allows you to install and use one copy of the Apple Software on a single Apple-labeled computer at a time.”
Safari 3 Scores 100/100 First (The Acid3 Test)
Although most of people said that Opera 9.5 was the first web browser ever to score 100/100, I disagree with that. What about you? Actually, I even don’t understand why they had to report that at all as fans started to submit stories to digg, reddit and other news web sites and could confuse some of the readers. Opera Team “said” that they’ve reached 100/100 first, showed a picture as prove but haven’t provided any builds for anyone to run the Acid3 test themselves, so no one could confirm that… Continue Reading
Safari 3 Gets Closer, 98/100 (The Acid3 Race)
It looks like Opera 9.5 is no longer the only one “in the lead”. The latest Safari 3 nightly release scores 98/100 as well.
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Safari 3 – Not So Far From Perfection (Acid 3)
Just a short update regarding the Acid 3 test… Safari team is doing a really great job as the current Safari build is now passing 96/100 Acid 3 tests and is leading in this Acid 3 race.
If you haven’t voted in “The Acid3 Race, Who Will Win It?” post, feel free to do that now. So far the results are: Continue Reading
Internet Explorer (IE) 8 vs. Firefox 3 vs. Safari 3 vs. Opera 9.5 (Betas) + Flock
There’s an interesting article on CNET called “What’s the best beta? IE 8 vs. Opera 9.5 vs. Safari vs. Firefox 3“.
The following article covers the latest beta versions of most popular web browsers (Internet Explorer (IE), Firefox, Safari and Opera (also got a few words about Flock as well)), their recently introduced features and improvements.
Although I’ve missed some conclusions, it’s still worth a read. What’s your conclusion?
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8 Powerful Features of Safari That Few People Know About
If you haven’t tried Safari yet (or already using it), here’s a great article by Daniel Miessler about Safari’s web browser powerfull features for you to check.
News and Reviews about Safari Web Browser. Subscribe to our RSS Feed.
Safari 3.1 Released
The next stable version of Safari web browser is now available for the immediate download. Safari 3.1 update received JavaScript performance improvements, support for CSS 3 web fonts, video and audio tags support and much more. Continue Reading
The Acid3 Race, Who Will Win It?
While Internet Explorer 7 and Firefox 2 don’t pass Acid2 test and only their future versions will do that (Internet Explorer 8 and Firefox 3), the Acid3 test is already released. This one gives even more headaches to web browsers developers as well as some “pressure”, it’s like a mini competition. So who will pass it first?