Category: Upcoming
Internet Explorer 9 Launching on September 15th
It’s finally happening. IE team has just announced the launch of Internet Explorer 9 Beta that will take place in San Francisco on September 15th.
This appears to be one of the most anticipated product launches this year.
Furthermore, this could mark the new era of IE breed with faster and more frequent updates. Who knows, maybe by the time Windows 8 is released, we will already have Internet Explorer 10.
Thanks to Daniel Hendrycks and RamaSubbu SK for the news tip.
BlackBerry 6 Web Browser
In the official BlackBerry Blog, team has demonstrated some of the features that are coming to a WebKit powered, BlackBerry 6 web browser.
What’s new?
In order to access specific web sites faster, engineers have redesigned browser start page which now includes a single URL and search entry box. Therefore, as you enter address, it will also seek your history and bookmarks sections.
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IE9 Platform Preview 4 Beats Safari 5, Acid3 95/100
In what appears to be the final platform preview of Internet Explorer 9, IE Team has highlighted a bunch of improvements that were made during the course of its development.
In the previous versions, JavaScript engine (codename: Chakra) was working as a separate component. Starting from IE9 Platform Preview 4, it is now integrated into IE core itself boosting overall JS performance.
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Leaked IE9 Screenshots: Download Manager, Speed Dial
Earlier this week, Microsoft has confirmed Internet Explorer 9 Public Beta launch for September. According to leaked slides however, it was supposed to be ready sometime in August.
Anyway, for your enjoyment, folks at Chinese web site called have posted a couple of possible Internet Explorer 9 screenshots. So lets dive in.
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Internet Explorer 9 to be the Fastest and Safest Web Browser
Microsoft’s Chief Operating Officer, Kevin Turner has made a bold statement, saying that Internet Explorer 9 will not only be the safest and most secure browser, but also, the fastest web browser in the market:
“IE9 is going to be not only the most safest and secure browser in the market, which IE8 is today, it will be the fastest browser in the market. You saw some demos of that on day one. It’s a smoking hot browser product,”
According to earlier published slides, Internet Explorer 9 Beta is set for August release, therefore, it won’t take long to confirm or deny such claim.
Confidential Internet Explorer 9 Info
As from 4/14/2010 slides. Therefore, there are a lot of bits, that we know already.
Beta: August, 2010
RC/RTW: To be determined after Beta
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Internet Explorer 9 (IE9) Platform Preview 3 is Coming
Although Microsoft has yet to confirm IE9 Platform Preview 3 release, according to Softpedia, company might be releasing such build for developers and early adopters later today.
While changes remain unknown, we expect further performance and web standards improvements, as well as other enhancements.
Safari 5 Plausible Features
If MacGeneration rumors are true, Apple will unveil Safari 5 web browser tomorrow at WWDC 2010.
Some key features of Safari 5 include:
- Improved Performance: Safari 5 executes JavaScript up to 25% faster than Safari 4. Better page caching and DNS prefetching speed up browsing.
- Improved HTML5 support: Safari supports over a dozen new HTML5 features including Geolocation, full screen for HTML5 video, closed caption for HTML5 video, new sectioning elements (article, aside footer, header, hgroup, nav and section), HTML5, AJAX History, EventSource, WebSocket, HTML 5 draggable attribute, HTML 5 forms validation, and HTML 5 Ruby.
- Hardware Acceleration for Windows: Use the power of the computer’s graphics processor to smoothly display media and effects on PC, as well as Mac.
- Safari Developer Tools: A new Timeline Panel in the Web Inspector shows how Safari interacts with a web site and identifies areas for optimization. New keyboard shortcuts make it aster to switch between panels.
Google Chrome OS Launching this Fall
The long awaited Google Chrome OS will be make its debut later this year, Sundar Pichai, the head of the Chrome project confirmed yesterday at the Computex Taipei.
Pichai also noted:
Chrome OS is one of the few future operating systems for which there are already millions of applications that work…
You don’t need to redesign Gmail for it to work on Chrome. Facebook does not need to write a new app for Chrome.
Firefox 4.0 UI Redesign, Latest Screenshots
Here are the latest Firefox UI design mockups, straight from Stephen Horlander blog.
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