Category: Web Browsers
Raspberry Pi Optimized Browser Is Here
Meet Web Beta.
The $35 PC that could has just got even better. According to Raspberry Pi blog, they’ve been working together with guys from Collabora to bring you a web browser that is optimized for the Pi.
Not only does it offer a good multi tab experience but also supports accelerated image and HTML5 video decoding.
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HTTP 2.0 Could Be HTTPS Only
Focuses on the use of encryption on the Web.
With never ending news about spying, Internet freedom and such, Mark Nottingham, the web infrastructure developer and the chairman of W3C group, has listed a couple of proposals that relate to the HTTP 2.0 protocol.
Most importantly, if everything goes as planned, HTTP 2.0 will only be used with https:// URIs, thus enhancing the overall security. Not only that but it looks like the web browser makers are the ones pushing for more use of encryption and support the idea, which is a good sign.
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October, 2013 Mobile Market Share: Safari, Android Browser, Google Chrome – Up; Opera Mini – Down
Another month, another report.
Kicking things off with Apple’s Safari, which tries to recover some of its lost market share, up from 54.19% to 55.88% (1.69 point increase).
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September, 2013 Mobile Market Share: Android Browser, Google Chrome – Up; Safari, Opera Mini – Down
In the month of September, Apple’s Safari web browser saw another drop in its numbers, down from 55.46% to 54.19% (1.27 point decrease).
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September, 2013 Desktop Market Share: Internet Explorer, Safari – Up; Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera – Down
Starting with Internet Explorer, Microsoft’s web browser continues to edge higher, up from 57.60% to 57.80% (0.2 point increase).
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Microsoft Introduces BrowserSwarm
A non restricted version of Mozilla’s TestSwarm.
Recently, Microsoft has introduced a pretty cool (and open source) tool called BrowserSwarm, which will use the magical powers of cloud to test your code on Internet Explorer, Google, Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Opera.
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Browser Reliability: Internet Explorer 10 vs. Chrome 27 vs. Firefox 22 vs. Safari 6
Safari 6 hides its face in shame.
It’s been a while since the last browser test and when the latest versions from all vendors are already pretty fast, why not measure something useful instead?
Well, that’s what guys from Sauce Labs did. They took a bunch of web browsers and looked at their error rate. The results? Take a look for yourself.
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PirateBrowser Reaches 100,000 Downloads In 3 Days
It seems like the release of PirateBrowser has made quite a splash in the tech community.
According to the recent report, the anti-censorship browser by ThePirateBay has been downloaded over 100,000 times and that’s just in the last 72 hours.
For those interested in the PirateBrowser, it should be noted that it only combats censorship and does not actually make the Internet experience fully anonymous.
Yahoo Buys RockMelt For $60-70 Million
This is why you don’t give women your credit card.
It looks like Yahoo’s new CEO, Marissa Mayer, just can’t stop buying things. For what appears to be her 18th acquisition this year, a web giant has just announced that they are acquiring RockMelt, a social web browser that was later discontinued and turned into a news aggregator, which too will now be shut down following the purchase.
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Volumental Seeks Funding For Its Browser Based 3D Scanning Tech
If you’ve been wondering whether or not you should spend last $10 on a pizza and enjoy the weekend, here’s another consideration for you: a browser based 3D scanning / model sharing project that is looking to raise $20,000 via KickStarter.
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