Category: Web Developing

Weekly Browsers Recap + Bonus Links, April Fools Edition

By | April 4, 2011 | 1 Comment

Weekly Browsers Recap, April 4th

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Weekly Browsers Recap + Bonus Links, March 28th

By | March 28, 2011 | 0 Comments

Weekly Browsers Recap, March 28th

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Mozilla: We Support 10 Year Old OS

By | March 22, 2011 | 7 Comments

Mozilla: We Support 10 Year Old OSHate the web browser.

Johnathan Nightingale, Mozilla’s director of Firefox web browser has criticized Microsoft for abandoning a 10 year old Windows XP operating system and releasing IE9 for Windows 7/Vista only.

He said:

For me, the most interesting thing is not the quibbling about what browser [boasts] full hardware acceleration. What surprises me the most is that acceleration is not available for Windows XP.

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URL Hunter

By | March 9, 2011 | 1 Comment

URL Hunter

Your video card can’t handle video games on a big display? No worries! Here is a game where the URL bar is an actual screen.

Wait, what!

You are almighty letter O and have to kill as many a’s as possible. Use left and right arrow keys to control your character and space bar to kill.


Convert Flash to HTML5

By | March 8, 2011 | 4 Comments

Convert Flash to HTML5Adobe has released an experimental technology codenamed Wallaby which is designed to convert Flash (FLA) to HTML files.

Although not all features are yet supported, it’s a welcomed step forward.

Wallaby is free to use, so if you want to give it a try, here is a download link.

Weekly Browsers Recap + Bonus Links, March 7th

By | March 7, 2011 | 0 Comments

Weekly Browsers Recap, March 7th

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Onclick Javascript Does Not Work in Google Chrome and Firefox?

By | March 6, 2011 | 2 Comments

Onclick Javascript in Google Chrome and Firefox Does Not Work?If you have found that onclick event does not work on Google Chrome, Firefox and Safari web browsers, then here is quick way to fix it:

Replace onclick form id with its name

For example, let’s say you have the following:

id=”form1″ name=”checkform1″

Find JS event:


Replace with:


All set. It now works with all web browsers.

Weekly Browsers Recap + Bonus Links, February 28th

By | February 28, 2011 | 0 Comments

Weekly Browsers Recap, February 28th

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Web Inspector, Now with CSS Tracking

By | February 25, 2011 | 0 Comments

Web Inspector, Now with CSS Tracking

Good news, the team behind Web Inspector has pushed a new version that improves CSS editing capabilities.

What’s new?
The Web Inspector will now show all the declared properties, even the ones that are not understood by a web browser.
Color property values can now be shown exactly as they written in an inline style.
It now uses two separate fields for property name and value.

And best of them all: the history of style sheet. This means that you can now track all the CSS changes that were made during editing.

Overall, it’s a nice update and we hope to see CSS tracking implemented into other dev tools as well.

For even more details, visit the original post.

Weekly Browsers Recap + Bonus Links, February 21st

By | February 21, 2011 | 0 Comments

Weekly Browsers Recap, February 21st

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