Download Opera 11.11

By | May 17, 2011

Although the release of Opera 11.11 has not yet been announced, it’s already available on the public Opera servers.

So, while you wait for the official changelog and further details, feel free to download it from here.

Update: it’s now official. Opera 11.11 includes user interface, display, scripting, mail and other fixes. For a complete list of changes, visit the following link.

Thanks, MarkG!

About (Author Profile)

Vygantas is a former web designer whose projects are used by companies such as AMD, NVIDIA and departed Westood Studios. Being passionate about software, Vygantas began his journalism career back in 2007 when he founded Having said that, he is also an adrenaline junkie who enjoys good books, fitness activities and Forex trading.

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  1. Opera 11.11 Sunucularda | Opera Türkiye | May 17, 2011
  1. Z@H3K says:

    Did you notice any change?? :) 

    • I think there was a skin fix to make tabs have a consistent width (they would, at times, resize when the page was loading, if coming from speed dial and other local pages). 

  2. Z@H3K says:

    It seems now lots of CPU usage :) 

    • NWBH says:

      Unfortunately all new version softwares targets new cpu. Single core, 4 year old cpu not good at handling new softwares.

  3.  Using 10.50 alpha at this moment, I find more stable than 11.10

    • Stewart McNish says:

      11.50 Alpha I think you mean.  10.50 Alpha was truly horrendous….

      And yes 11.50 is very stable, but that’d hardly surprising considering it’s for the same core as 11.10, but with a couple of small features…   The big guns have yet to arrive.

  4. Z@H3K says:

    Yes, 11.50 Alpha (OperaNext) is vey stabil and I am using since it is published and no any problem… 

  5. Cristian says:

     I will try it. Thanks.

  6. Mohan says:

    Cool, going to download it. What’s odd is MyOpera mail seems smoother with Firefox 4 than with Opera.

  7.  Why install a browser that doesn’t care about your online privacy? Safari for Windows is another one. They don’t allow you to block any cookies including Flash Cookies.

    • Katimwilk says:

      I don’t know if my longer comment will be posted, but the cookie options/settings in Opera are:

      Accept cookies    Accept cookies only from the site I visit     Never accept cookies          Delete new cookies when exiting Opera    Ask me before accepting cookies        
      Cookie settings can be adapted to each site using the “Manage Cookies…” button. 
      As you can see, cookies can clearly be blocked in Opera. Flash cookies can’t be blocked by any browser, only deleted upon closing. You still get the Flash cookies while browsing. The Opera widget “LSO Manager” can delete Flash cookies any time (while browsing even). I hope my longer comment gets posted as I covered other things too.

  8.  I used to get 300+ Adware Cookies a day. Then I uninstalled Opera and Safari for Windows. Then I setup all my other browsers to block all cookies except at sites where I have log in accounts. I use the Better Privacy Addon for Firefox to also autodelete Flash Cookies and the Flash Player log file. I get zero Adware Cookies and Flash Cookies now.

    I also use Adblock Plus Addon forr Firefox. The Malicious Domain filter filters out over 40,000 malicious websites.

    Why wear out your hard drive by running an Adware Scanner daily? Go ahead and use those junk browsers and see where it gets you.

    • Mikah says:

      What complete ignorance of how Opera handles cookies you show.
      you’ve been able to block cookies in Opera for years either globally or on a site by site basis theres also an option to delete new cookies when exiting Opera.

    • digging4 says:

      I absolutely agree with your points:)

  9. I need a computer to Download Opera 11.11