Enable Google Search Suggestions in Opera
As you might know, Opera 10.60 brings support for search suggestions. However, it currently works for Bing and Wikipedia only.
Fortunately, you can now enable such suggestions for Google as well. Here is how:
1. Open search.ini file from your profile directory (if you have issues finding such file, type opera:about for some file paths).
In case search.ini does not exist, go to:
CTRL+F12 > Search
Copy details from Google search engine
Delete Google
Re-crease Google search engine and paste copied details accordingly
2. Add the following code into search.ini (at the end of Google Search engine settings):
Suggest Protocol=JSON
Suggest URL=http://suggestqueries.google.com/complete/search?json&q={SearchTerm}
Here is how everything should look:
[Search Engine X]
Is post=0
Has endseparator=0
Search Type=0
Suggest Protocol=JSON
Suggest URL=http://suggestqueries.google.com/complete/search?json&q={SearchTerm}
3. Restart Opera, done!
Via Tamil blog. Thanks to Ichan for the news tip.
About (Author Profile)
Vygantas is a former web designer whose projects are used by companies such as AMD, NVIDIA and departed Westood Studios. Being passionate about software, Vygantas began his journalism career back in 2007 when he founded FavBrowser.com. Having said that, he is also an adrenaline junkie who enjoys good books, fitness activities and Forex trading.
it is sad and sorry story of ini file editing in times of opensearch xml ‘click to add search provider’
even opera can do it better (right click search field, add – this is actualy pretty cool)
and yet, lack of consequence and no strive for perfection – and here you are, .ini editing in 2010. good luck maintaining this change trough upgrades :) HINT: you will have to remember about this change and recreate it and generaly baby sit each time small upgrade installs
Thats because its not official feature yet I guess. I bet that in 10.70 (or whatever it will become it will be turned on by default).
Everytime I upgrade or do a clean install, I actually backup my profile files including search. Why?
Well my buddy Opera sometimes decides to eat these files entirely and recreate new ones in their place.
If you back it up you will be fine.
It’s an official feature for any search engines that provide it – Wikipedia and Bing provide it, Google don’t to Opera.
Google have a deal with Mozilla, which is why the initial ini-file edit (which you’ll see detailed in the comments of Tamil’s blog posts, linked above) required you to mask as Firefox just to get this to work.
is google really BLOCKING opera? if so, then it is quite strange and bad.
and my main point was about the JOY of modifying .ini files to customize opera. especially the part, when most/large proprotion of these changes go to hell with each and every upgrade. and the JOY of doing it all again after clean install, clean install that is usually suggested as a cure to many minor issues with opera.
Google weren’t “blocking” Opera – if they were this wouldn’t be possible. They weren’t “blocking” Opera, they were omitting to provide something extra to Opera.
If the situation were hypothetically reversed, you would have the “joy” of modifying opensearch xml files manually. But hey…. each to their own.
See now, that’s just not true. Opera is the only one that doesn’t support OpenSearch and that’s wholesomely their own fault.
Besides, there’s no reason for users to modify files when the browser vendor supplies working ones when they ship the browser.
That’s because they’re using an old parameter names, probably copied directly from the OpenSearch plugins in Firefox. Firefox were the ones to introduce Search Suggestions in OpenSearch, so there’s nothing strange with them originally being firefox for Google, fxjson and fxjsonp for Yahoo.
The existence of Google Toolbar and Yahoo Toolbar probably also have something to do with it.
The real value to use for Google is either json for plain JSON or you can exclude the name entirely or use just about any name to get JSONP.
There is no masking required to make it work. It’s just that the author, and apparently no one in the comments either, doesn’t know what he’s doing.
By the by, who programmed that clusterfuck of a website? Simply using target=”_blank” is bad enough; but using it for fragment links too, that’s just sadistic.
Doesn’t work for me on Opera 10.70.
my output is:
[Search Engine 3]
Suggest Protocol=JSON
Suggest URL=http://suggestqueries.google.com/complete/search?json&q={SearchTerm}
Is post=0
Has endseparator=0
Search Type=0
<img src=”http://i34.tinypic.com/1zg6x09.jpg” alt=”Please Work” />
Well heres the image:
i simply never cease to be amazed on how complicated simple things are in opera..
Ok nobody.
It was nice that you commented how crap and complicated things were in Opera the few hundred times but now its really pissing me off.
I don’t like it either but I have better things than whinge all day.
Let one go in a while
the only way for opera to change their steps is to make it heard.
you dont like thier doing also, but you sit quiet, so you are ignored, i at least make some impression (bad, good, whatever) and maybe it will help them understand how stupid and outdated their stuff is
your choice and your call
Yeah that has really worked for you
You should know by now that they are a bunch of ignorant fools. No matter how much you protest it wont change a thing.
BTW: Write them a personal letter.
personal letters get deleted, posts on their forums get immediately deleted, only way is to get a level playing field, where opera cannot shut you up. and this place is quite popular, just like betanews with their browser roundups where opera get bashed. sadly (or fun’ly) there isnt much other press that care about opera..
if you ask me to stop about comments, please, stop commenting my comments and ‘jeez let one go in a while’
Ahh man now that is taken completely out of context. For me to “Let one go in a while” I wold need to constantly………………
…..Ohh wait.
So you willing to meet me half way here?
nobody, you’re NOBODY as you probably know so why should anybody listen to you? Show me anything better than Opera, I won’t belive that it’s crap because it’s just not true. Otherwise shut up troll.
Aww come on Marines; Were all family here. Ne nice
is there for yahoo also?
Works fine in Firefox.
Try using the OpenSearch plugin that comes with Firefox as a template:
Thanks.But aint it for firefox?
If you check the content you will find this link:
You should be able to use it in the same way as the Google link in the article is used:
Suggest URL=http://suggestqueries.google.com/complete/search?json&q={SearchTerm}
OpenSearch is an open standard, as is the Suggestions Extension. While the XML structure of that file is old and Mozilla specific, the values can still be used in other browsers.
i use the search from the URL “spaces”
Works great! Thank you so much for taking the time to write this up.
Hopefully Opera can include this by default someday.