Firefox 3 Download Problems?
Are you receiving an annoying “This download has been blocked by your Security Zone Policy” error? According to a quote from FirefoxFacts:
Starting in Firefox 3, downloads of executable files (e.g., .exe or .msi) may fail and the Firefox Downloads window will contain this message, under the filename: This download has been blocked by your Security Zone Policy.
This issue occurs because Firefox 3 now honors your Windows security settings for downloading applications and other potentially unsafe files from the Internet.
How to fix that?
To change the setting, open Internet Options (via Control Panel or from Internet Explorer -> Tools) and click the Security tab. With the Internet zone icon highlighted, click the Custom level… button. A list of security settings for the Internet zone will appear. Find the “Launching applications and unsafe files” setting (under Miscellaneous) and select “Prompt (recommended)”.
About (Author Profile)
Vygantas is a former web designer whose projects are used by companies such as AMD, NVIDIA and departed Westood Studios. Being passionate about software, Vygantas began his journalism career back in 2007 when he founded Having said that, he is also an adrenaline junkie who enjoys good books, fitness activities and Forex trading.
Wow, I always loathed the way security zones worked, and now Firefox uses that too? And you have to go in INTERNET EXPLORER to fix that?
I don’t have words to describe how surprised and disappointed I am…
Have carried out fix for Firefox but still will not work. Any answers?
this still doesnt fix a thing….firefox has CRIPPLED MY COMPUTER….i cant download flash player so then 1/3 of all websites and all youtube videos and the such DONT WORK, i cant download google chrome because mozilla forces you to only use their shitty browser….somebody release an update or sue these criminals
“this still doesnt fix a thing….firefox has CRIPPLED MY COMPUTER….i cant download flash player so then 1/3 of all websites and all youtube videos and the such DONT WORK, i cant download google chrome because mozilla forces you to only use their shitty browser….somebody release an update or sue these criminals.”
AGREED!!! Anyone know a more reliable satisfactory browser hopefully better and Firefox think of this as customer feedback!
I recently upgraded from Firefox 1.0 to 3.05. For a couple of weeks it worked fine (I have a mac G5 with OS 10.4.11). Now, whenever I bring up Firefox, I get an all too familiar multi-colord spinning wheel of death and must force quit the application. I re-loaded another 3.05, and got the same result. No security problem, just the freeze up. I’m connected to the internet via high speed cable modem, not dial-up. Any answers? I’d appreciate a detailed walk through to a solution. Meantime I’m on the old 1.0
I’m having problems opening downloads from firefox and I really would like to know how to fix that problem!
Just use IE!!! That is such an OBVIOUS SOLUTION!!!
I guess you listen to a “Sound Design” boom box in your car because you mad that Acura put in a Bose stero from the factory. DUH…
Some people just want to be differnt. They just want people to stare at them with their nose/lip rings pretending to be cool with thier Apple computers. Sad if you really think about it…