Firefox Blocks Old Java Plugins
Good news for Firefox users, thanks to the never ending Java vulnerability spree, Mozilla has decided to protect its users and from now on will block Java plugins with a Version 6 Update 30 and below as well as Version 7 Update 2 and below.
According to the official blog post, the February update for the Java Development Kit fixes a critical vulnerability, which prevents hackers from running exploit on user computer.
However, for those who want even more security, here is a simple tip: uninstall Java.
About (Author Profile)
Vygantas is a former web designer whose projects are used by companies such as AMD, NVIDIA and departed Westood Studios. Being passionate about software, Vygantas began his journalism career back in 2007 when he founded Having said that, he is also an adrenaline junkie who enjoys good books, fitness activities and Forex trading.
My past two builds have seen no trace of Java, I finally gave up when I noticed the devs were so idiotic that every update left the old one in the uninstall panel.
Should I come across some site that needs it for God knows what stupid plugin, I just close the page. You shouldn’t need more than a browser to check the web. OK, you need flash these days, but let’s all pray that the advent of HTML5 will make us ditch that garbage as well.
Mozilla’s move is nice, as it may prompt those lazy guys at Sun (or Oracle, whatever) to put it in high gear and patch their crappy piece of software more often.
“According to the official blog post, the February update for the Java Development Kit fixes a critical vulnerability, which prevents hackers from_ruining exploit on user computer_.”
I know what this was supposed to say but were you in a rush, V?
Fixed! The worst part of spell check is when you type a world correctly but it’s a different one :P
I never knew you could type up worlds – does a utopian world sound like a great idea? :-D