June, 2011: Google Chrome, Safari Share Up; Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera – Down

By | July 5, 2011

June, 2011: Google Chrome, Safari Share Up; Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera - Down

As Internet Explorer is heading towards the 49% market share mark and Firefox continues its downtrend, we see interesting times are approaching indeed, but as for now, let’s focus on what had happened over the course of June.

No surprises here, Internet Explorer has lost some of its market share again, down from 54.27% to 53.68% (0.59 point decrease).

After slightly increasing its share in the month of May, Firefox resumes its downtrend as it goes down again, down from 21.71% to 21.67% (0.04 point decrease).

In the expense of other web browsers, Google Chrome share continues to climb higher, up from 12.52% to 13.11% (0.59 point increase).

It looks like WebKit web browsers are on the roll, as Safari managed to increase its market share by another 0.2 point, up from 7.28% to 7.48%.

Opera took another big hit (-15% this time), losing 0.3 point of its market share, as it went down from 2.03% to 1.73%.

That’s all for today, folks.

Thanks to Net Applications for the graph.

About (Author Profile)

Vygantas is a former web designer whose projects are used by companies such as AMD, NVIDIA and departed Westood Studios. Being passionate about software, Vygantas began his journalism career back in 2007 when he founded FavBrowser.com. Having said that, he is also an adrenaline junkie who enjoys good books, fitness activities and Forex trading.

Comments (44)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Safari is a big surprise. Yet again it can be that people are testing Lion.

    We’ll see in another month.

  2. Nyromith says:

    I don’t understand. Opera is doing its best, and still only loosing market share. Chrome, on the other hand, doesn’t fix almost any flaws in the interface that many people are complaining about, and its market share continues to increase.

    But this is expected. But Safari? How is it better that Opera? And where is the Linux version for it?

  3. Armin says:

    Internet Explorer’s decrease was equal to Chrome’s increase. Coincidence? And what the hell happened to Opera?

  4. rkl says:

    It would be easy to Opera to increase their share, just put ads in TV, movies, magazines, all web pages (including Facebook).

  5. Nobody says:



    * March: Median 2.6%* April: Median 2.6%* May: Median 2.8%

  6. Nobody says:


    OPERA – 

    * March: Median 2.6%

    * April: Median 2.6%

    * May: Median 2.8%

    • Mikah says:

      What a plonker 9 repeat posts on Operas market share what a sad little troll you are.

      • Nobody says:

        check his account and mine – click on the avatar – he created this account minutes before just to ‘steal’ my identity

        Opera Employees are ‘cunning’ :)

        • Mikah says:

          Just checked yours, even more pathetic than i thought your every post is about how bad Opera ishardly a balanced viewpoint.

  7. GREG 8-) says:

    Safari has to be the worst browser ever 

  8. Xvdss says:

    This just proves nothing beats marketing, and people dont really know what is good for them. The worst thing about Opera is undoubtedly their marketing.

    • Shane Bundy says:

      And Opera never really done that before until the new CEO came. Opera then started to be less about new and improved core features and more about (failed?) user outreach.

      TBH I don’t think Opera expected the slow growth it got, although I liked the bacon ad they did.

      • Guest says:

        Opera did lots of marketing with the old CEO. Remember the 24 hours Atlantic swim? All sorts of stunts like that.

        And what slow growth are you referring to? Considering that they don’t have Google’s ad monopoly to promote the browser, it’s quite amazing that they are getting 5-10 million new active users every month (on mobile, desktop and devices combined).

        Opera now has more than 200 million users (more than 100 million of them on mobile), and is the dominant mobile browser.

        They are growing fast on desktop in countries like Russia as well.

        Looks like Opera’s outreach is working, and the growth is fine. It might not grow that fast in the US where Google, Apple and Microsoft are entrenched, but they are doing great elsewhere. Especially in the fastest growing markets, like India.

      • Guest says:

        BTW, Opera is growing globally on desktop according to Wikipedia’s summary:


        From 2.6% in April to 2.8% in May.

  9. Joe Roberts says:

    I also not surprised that Internet Explorer has lost some of its market share again!Speaking of IE….I just read a very nice article that’s very interesting! Check this out:


    Enjoy reading!!!