March, 2013 Mobile Market Share: Safari, Chrome, Internet Explorer – Up; Android Browser, Opera Mini – Down

By | April 3, 2013

It’s April already and you know the drill, it’s time to dive into the latest market share numbers from HitsLink.

Starting off with Safari, Apple’s web browser saw a very sharp jump in its numbers, up from 55.41% to 61.79% (6.38 points increase).

Android Browser on the other hand saw a 0.96 point dip in its market share, down from 22.82% to 21.86%.

Just as Safari gained, Opera Mini lost, down significantly from 12.72% to 8.40% (4.32 points decrease) and is now below the 10% market share mark.

On a positive note for Google, its Chrome web browser has gained a 0.47 point market share and is up from 1.96% to 2.43%.

Battling for the 4th spot, Internet Explorer is up by 0.41 point, from 1.58% to 1.99%.

That’s all for now, folks.

About (Author Profile)

Vygantas is a former web designer whose projects are used by companies such as AMD, NVIDIA and departed Westood Studios. Being passionate about software, Vygantas began his journalism career back in 2007 when he founded Having said that, he is also an adrenaline junkie who enjoys good books, fitness activities and Forex trading.

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  1. I think opera isn’t really down, it’s opera (presto) ! because lot of users are using opera mobile beta (webkit) now, which maybe detected as Safari or Chrome !!! jut a thought !

    • Tango says:

      The market share of the Mobile (and its true even more for betha) is much smaller than the Mini, so the decrease isn’t about the webkit masking. Opera now suffering even on devices too and they don’t have too much tool in their hands to solve this situation.

      • jayjam says:

        Suffering? How is Opera suffering on mobile? It’s still growing fast. 8 million new active users just in January.

        Why did you decide to just make up something about Opera, Tango?