Microsoft Releases IE9 Platform Preview 6

By | October 28, 2010

Microsoft Releases IE9 Platform Preview 6

Today, at the Microsoft PDC 2010 conference, IE team has announced the availability of 6th Platform Preview build of Internet Explorer 9.

According to the benchmark results above, company has not yet given up on the browser performance wars and continues to march forward.

What else does it bring to the table?

Improved developer tools (F12), now offering JavaScript formatting for the minified code.
Additional standards support, such as: CSS3’s 2D transforms
More than 80 bug fixes. Including various JavaScript and DOM related issues.


About (Author Profile)

Vygantas is a former web designer whose projects are used by companies such as AMD, NVIDIA and departed Westood Studios. Being passionate about software, Vygantas began his journalism career back in 2007 when he founded Having said that, he is also an adrenaline junkie who enjoys good books, fitness activities and Forex trading.

Comments (8)

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  1. RamaSubbu SK says:

    Seems, IE 9 is the only browser in this earth which showed huge improvement from the its previous version. Good. IE 8 way to go!, Now I see the reason why Firefox 4 release date is pushed.
    IE 9 is really rocks and its coming at good speed.
    Very good job from Microsoft!

    • cousin333 says:

      Well, first: improving IE8 is not a big task after all… Second: I disagree, Opera 10.50 was a pretty huge improvement over 10.10. Rendering engine changed, visual engine changed, JavaScript engine changed.

      Those demos favor IE9 obviously, but still, with IE9, Microsoft is in the game again.

      • RamaSubbu SK says:

        Yes agree, IE 9 has all the improvement that Opera did for 10.10 and additionally IE shown the improvement on the standards support. Now IE 9 is as good as any other browsers. Opera was already high at following standards so they don’t have much space to show this improvement. IE 9 has huge space for them to improve as IE8 was way behind when compared to other browsers and they are covering most of the them in a single release.

        Obviously IE 9 demos will be at best to show the IE 9 features, this rule is valid for all the products.

        This is definitely a great work from Microsoft, but I thank only the Firefox , Opera,..all the competitors. The competitors are all the one pushing Microsoft to do like this. A big thanks to them.

  2. cousin333 says:

    By the way: after the public beta, why there is no address bar in this preview (again)? Is it so much to ask for?

    • Install IE9 Beta on your machine. You can download IE9 Beta from
      Install Internet Explorer Platform Preview 6. You can download Platform Preview 6 from
      Create a folder on your Desktop called IE9_PP6
      Copy the iexplore.exe file from the C:/Program Files/Internet Explorer directory (or C:/Program Files (x86)/Internet Explorer if you are on a 64 bit machine) to the IE9_PP6 folder
      Create a folder inside IE9_PP6 called iexplore.exe.local (Note: It is imperative that you name this folder exactly as specified)
      Navigate to the Internet Explorer Platform Preview directory within Program files (commonly on 32 bit machines this will be at C:/Program Files/Internet Explorer Platform Preview and on 64 bit machines this will be at C:/Program Files (x86)/Internet Explorer Platform Preview)
      Copy the contents of the iepreview.exe.local folder within the Internet Explorer Platform Preview directory to the iexplore.exe.local folder within IE9_PP6
      Close all instances of IE running on your machine and run iexplore.exe from IE9_PP6

  3. daddylo says:

    Stable point of view opera is the fastest.
    But they didn’t check the 10.70 alpha though.

    And yes FF fans can’t believe it .. IE 9 preview 6 beat the FF 4 beta 6 …..
    But having said that FF going to beat IE 9 though.

    What is safari doing arghhhhh …. former Speedster ( still fast though) ….. they need new JavaScript engine….They have SquirrelFish Extreme right ( I might be wrong).