Microsoft Responds to EU Browser Antitrust Charges
Yahoo News Writes: Microsoft Corp. on Wednesday confirmed it has submitted a formal response to European Union charges that tying the Internet Explorer browser to its Windows operating system violates antitrust rules.
At the time of the complaint, Opera said it was asking EU regulators to either force Microsoft to market a version of Windows without the browser, or to include other browsers with Windows.
About (Author Profile)
Vygantas is a former web designer whose projects are used by companies such as AMD, NVIDIA and departed Westood Studios. Being passionate about software, Vygantas began his journalism career back in 2007 when he founded Having said that, he is also an adrenaline junkie who enjoys good books, fitness activities and Forex trading.
market a version of Windows without the browser
what the
If Microsoft has broken the law they should obviously not be allowed to keep doing what they did to break the law in the first place, so it makes sense that you either leave the browser bundling entirely to OEMs, or that Microsoft gives more choices and doesn’t force IE on people.
Microsoft broke the law. Now they must face the consequences of their actions.
Can someone tell me what happened exactly? What will they do anyway?
I have the perfect solution:
1. No web browsers bundled with MS Windows at all.
2. During first run of the computer and for creating new accounts a browser instillation app is launched. It has an alphabetical list of as many web browsers as possible from a 3rd party *objective* site (
3. Users select their choice of browser(s) and click an install button.
Objective browser choice for the dominant OS manufacturer… done.
as an alternative we could buy a mag with a super duper cool new CD with netscape 4 on it ;p
It is time for Microsoft to cease marketing in Europe. The EU has now gained stature as a competitor to the Barbary pirates and should be treated the same way. It seems likely that Mogadishu pirates have learned from the EU how easy it is to extort from the United States. Nothing but retaliation in kind or abdication of marketing in these areas will be effective.
Let the EU bastards rot and buy their Microsoft software over the internet or otherwise long distance. Most likely a booming industry in pirated Microsoft software will grow up much as it has in Asia
I say screw the bastards
So Microsoft should pull out of Europe because the EU enforces its own laws?
I guess it should pull out of the US as well, since it was convicted there too.
Yes, please! That would be awesome for the Linux world! :D
I was at the Microsoft website and it is really disturbing that there was no mention at all about the Opera browser or any other, that evil company again to no good. How is this possible? Almost all the pages I browsed on the site constantly pushed me to download IE8 and Silverlight but nowhere on of those pages was a mention of flash or Firefox or Opera. I do not understand how Microsoft can get away without having to advertise competitor’s products on its own website. I mean why should I have to type the competitor’s URL, where is the equality for those hard working small companies, they spend so much time creating these amazing products and because the lack of Microsoft promoting these products no one will ever be able to succeed. I am sure glad the almighty European Union is looking on these evil practices.
Are you on drugs?