Opera Mini 5? Or Is It Opera Mini 4.5? On The Way

By | March 31, 2008

Opera Mini 5, Opera Mini 4.5It looks like we’re going to see a new Opera Mini Beta release soon. It’s not known yet, whether that will be Opera Mini 5, Opera Mini 4.5 or any other version (at least Opera Mini team is not telling that). It will be interesting to see what new features were added and what was improved.

Opera Mini home page.

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About (Author Profile)

Vygantas is a former web designer whose projects are used by companies such as AMD, NVIDIA and departed Westood Studios. Being passionate about software, Vygantas began his journalism career back in 2007 when he founded FavBrowser.com. Having said that, he is also an adrenaline junkie who enjoys good books, fitness activities and Forex trading.

Comments (9)

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  1. Andrés Ruiz Pérez says:

    Opera Mini 4.1

  2. Damian says:

    When it be can to download??

  3. damian says:

    when this can be download?

  4. lester says:

    i’ve tried the new version of bolt browser and i disliked it, there is no socket protocol, i couldnt watch flash videos as they said, the image quality reduced in large magnification, it crashed because bad handling memory, etc, opera mini has a friendly layout and scrolling, it’s fast, etc. opera mini rules

  5. Benny says:

    I just read on opera feeds that mini 5 looks amazing and will make 4.2 look like windows 98 in ability, opera is wicked for nokias its the only way

  6. AKON009 says:


  7. operamini does not work for my nokia phone7210 .my phione tells me its from untrusted supplier .i dont why it didnt install .it also tells me to install packet data but i dont knpow what that means. please sir i ll b grateful if u can explain and how i can start using operamini on my phone . thanks.

  8. rex says:

    when will opera mini 4.5 be activated 4 public download