Mobile Web Browsers Compatibility Test

By | April 16, 2008 | 3 Comments

Mobile Web Browsers CompatibilityJust after Safari and Opera scored 100 in the Acid3 test, released its own. However, this is not the Acid, although it’s similar to it and tests 12 web technologies. This one will test mobile web browsers… Is this yet another race beginning? tried to run it on Blazer, Opera Mini 4.1 Beta 1, PSP’s Netfront, Firefox 3 Beta 3, Internet Explorer 6 and “Android emulator webkit-based browser”. Continue Reading

Smart Copy and Paste Using Firefox

By | April 14, 2008 | 0 Comments

Have you ever wanted more advanced copy and paste functions? If so, you may consider reading Percy’s blog post.

Percy Cabello writes about some great Firefox add-ons which extends those functions.
The article includes: One click copy, copying open page addresses, many link addresses copying in one click and copying using different formats. Sounds interesting? Its surely is.

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Opera Mini Now on Google Android

By | April 10, 2008 | 1 Comment

Opera Software today announced that Opera Mini mobile web browser for mobile phones is now available on Google Android.

What is Android?

Android is a software stack for mobile devices that includes an operating system, middleware and key applications.

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OmniWeb 5.7 Final Released

By | April 10, 2008 | 0 Comments

OmniWeb 5.7 FinalOmniWeb team just released OmniWeb 5.7 Final. The new version now requires Mac OS X 10.4.8 or later. Among various interface upgrades, performance improvements and few new features, OmniWeb 5.7 is now based on WebKit stability branch which is used by Safari 3.0. Check “What’s New?” page for more details. Continue Reading

Firefox 3 Beta 5 vs. Safari 3.1 vs. Opera 9.5 Beta (Memory)

By | April 9, 2008 | 21 Comments

Ready for some more browsers fights? OK, I know that this is not a “fancy” test, it’s a basic one, but still interesting to check, right?
I’ve tested April 8th nightly/weekly releases from Firefox, Safari and Opera teams. Continue Reading

Firefox 3 Beta 5 Beats Opera 9.5 Beta and Safari 3.1?

By | April 9, 2008 | 16 Comments

After yesterdays Adrian Kingsley benchmark test (Firefox 3.0 Beta 5 vs. Safari 3.1 on Mac OS X), I’ve decided to add Opera 9.5 Beta and run them on Windows machine.
Used latest browsers builds (nightly or weekly, all released on April 8th. So how were the results? They’ve actually shocked me a bit, so here you go:
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Firefox 3.0 Beta 5 Beats Safari 3.1 on Mac OS X

By | April 8, 2008 | 0 Comments

According to Adrian Kingsley and his provided benchmarks results, Firefox 3.0 Beta 5 outperforms Safari 3.1 on Mac OS X (SunSpider JavaScript benchmark).

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Firefox and Safari gains, Internet Explorer Loses, Opera Remains the Same (March 08)

By | April 7, 2008 | 0 Comments

Firefox and Safari gains, Internet Explorer Loses, Opera Remains the Same (March 08)Its a new month again and we already have March browsers market share results. So let’s begin. Shall we?

Yet another bad month for Microsoft Internet Explorer, this time its market share decreased by 0.08%, from 74.88% to 74.80%.

Mozilla Firefox is doing really well, this time it managed to increase its market share by 0.56%, from 17.27% to 17.83%. Continue Reading

Opera 9.27 Released

By | April 3, 2008 | 0 Comments

Opera 9.27Here’s an update for Opera 9.2x users. Desktop Team just released Opera 9.27 which mainly fixes some stability issues, also contains improved keyboard handling. Here’s a changelog:

Fixed an issue where newsfeed prompts could cause Opera to execute arbitrary code
Solved an issue where resized canvas patterns could cause Opera to execute arbitrary code Continue Reading

Firefox 3 Beta 5 Released

By | April 2, 2008 | 1 Comment

Firefox 3 Beta 5The new Firefox 3 Beta 5 is now available for download. With 755 bug fixes, improved integration with operating systems and more performance improvements, Firefox 3 is a serious competitor for other web browsers makers. For a complete changelog, check Firefox 3 Beta 5 release notes.

Download Firefox 3 Beta 5.

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