Resize Text Areas in Opera

By | January 16, 2009

To get to work the following User Javascripts, you need to establish a folder path where the .js files will be stored (“Preferences” > “Advanced” > “Content” > “JavaScript Options” > “User JavaScript files”).

Both scripts started out from the simple desire of resizing text areas easily (like CSS3 UI).

And thanks a lot to xErath, the writer of these javascripts.


There is one way to get Opera to resize textboxes just like in Safari, but even better because you can also resize images, input fields, text areas, iframes, and objects.
To make it work, unfocus from the text area, then just hold shift while resizing, and to restore it to its original size just double click the resize area.

Download Power-Drag


Is the like Power-drag but with fixed increase-decrease values for resizing text areas.
To make it work, focus onto a text area, then hold ALT and move the mouse pointer and a menu will appear.
Download Power-Meenoo

Via My.Opera.Com

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  1. Very interesting script! Maybe not too useful but it’s my subjective opinion ;)

  2. mr.r says:

    Very nice, but It’s not working on Youtube, Blogspot and Facebook.