Safari Patches Address Book Bug, Activates Extensions
Today, Apple has released two web browser updates: Safari 5.0.1 and 4.1.1 that fix AutoFill security vulnerability reported back in June.
In addition to stability improvements and other bug fixes, version numbered 5.0.1 activates extensions that were reveled within the first Safari 5 release.
Extensions Gallery
About (Author Profile)
Vygantas is a former web designer whose projects are used by companies such as AMD, NVIDIA and departed Westood Studios. Being passionate about software, Vygantas began his journalism career back in 2007 when he founded Having said that, he is also an adrenaline junkie who enjoys good books, fitness activities and Forex trading.
and that leaves Opera as the only browser vendor that thinks extensions are ‘a bad thing’.
way to grow that pathetic market share Opera, way to grow..
surprisingly it is also the only browser that content providers couldn’t care less. are there first-party Twitter widgets or Unite (cr)apps? facebook one? NYT? or any other major content provider? because I think not. and that tells
So the Opera have small market share because they don’t have addons. The most popular addon for Firefox isn’t popular compared to all user, so most of them don’t use anything, named addon.
If you don’t like widgets and Unite applications is your opinion and don’t affect on the market share.
Few word about this: Firefox and Chrome is a Google guy (King of Online marketing), IE is packed with the most popular OS, Safari packed with OSX (not too popular but fancy). Opera looks like as a lone wolf, but they aren’t a cheap ass team and they have future without the PC platform too. So the low market share don’t hurt them too much, and the developing is pretty fast. Opera is on the right path.
What Google Chrome, Firefox or Safari are is completely irrelevant. Mistakes Opera did – marketing ones (or lack of any marketing), implementation ones (ALWAYS different than all other browsers), UX ones (no form aut0-fill YET? for how many FU.. years?), developer-relation ones (no proper developer tools, releasing shitty stopgap solution and abandoning it) – were done because of Opera did them, not because someone else had more money. No extensions or any proper API is yet another Opera concious decision, that is hurting them, badly.
And I beg to differ about Opera having a life outside PC: mobile browser = WebKit. Opera mini is a toy browser (that can’t even reply to this post), Opera Mobile is not attractive any more. How many new smartphones use Opera technology AT ALL? What NEW hardware use Opera technology at all? Two years ago it was a different story, however two years ago WebKit sucked.
Opera is on the right path? They are on it for years, and what is their market share now? what was 5 years ago? I think stagnation is a word you are looking for.
What does this even have to do with the article here? I understand Nobody doesn’t like Opera but to slag Opera off at every article that is not even related to Opera is getting a bit tiring to read. It’s not like he brings new points to the comments. It’s the same points getting repeated every time in every article.