Skyfire: Now You See Me, Now You Don’t

By | November 4, 2010

Skyfire: Now You See Me, Now You DontApparently, recently released Skyfire for the iOS became top selling app in just over 5 hours and was doing so well that its publishers had to actually remove it from the app store.

According to the blog post, it far exceeded their initial expectations and was too much for the servers to handle.

When can you expect it to re-appear?

As soon as they increase the capacity of servers. No ETA yet.

About (Author Profile)

Vygantas is a former web designer whose projects are used by companies such as AMD, NVIDIA and departed Westood Studios. Being passionate about software, Vygantas began his journalism career back in 2007 when he founded Having said that, he is also an adrenaline junkie who enjoys good books, fitness activities and Forex trading.

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  1. Skyfire von Ansturm überwältigt « Browser Fuchs | November 4, 2010
  1. daddylo says:

    This is I think “An epic win which became an epic fail” .

  2. Geek says:

    It just show that iOS users dont care about Flash, Jobs was right from the beginning

  3. nobody says:

    it just shows how much apple was wrong pretending that flash is dead..

    and skyfire got in few days more recognition, advertising and general hype than some companies in years (im looking at you opera)

    their servers probably melted – transcoding, even with elaborate caching – must have costed immense processing power and they had to pull the plug

    they will reapear, with such response there are lots of venture capital managers that will loan them LOTS of money. and this is good, regardless of what certain idiot (nvm) says, this browser is a bit more than media player bolted to webkit and market definitely needs more browser UI ideas

    • nvm says:

      There was a lot more attention and hype around Opera for the iPhone than for Skyfire, so your comment doesn’t make sense. Opera really capitalized on the iPhone hype and got massive coverage both before and after launch. The Skyfire launch is pitiful in comparison.

      • Ichann says:

        @NVM. Please stop this fanboyism.

        Yes. Flash is not dead. Apple were a fool to shun upon flash. Shame on them. Now people need to result to such hacks.

        Tsk. tsk.

        • nvm says:

          How is your comment about Flash relevant to my comment about Opera? It’s a fact that Opera did much better than Skyfire. And even managed to keep their servers running, unlike the incompetent buffoons at Skyfire.

          • Ichann says:

            Hmm. That was supposed to be two comments.

            You will need to compare the scale of Opera to Skyfire first. They havent been around for eons.

            Folks @ Skyfire have just underestimated demand. Thus it proves that flash is still important on Ios.

            (just ignore the bottom after “demand.”)

          • nvm says:

            Yes, Opera scales much better than Spyfire. I agree completely.

            Flash is not that important. As a matter of fact, most of the sites that are supported by Skyfire already serve HTML5 to Safari.

  4. nvm says:

    It just doesn’t scale. You can’t transcode video for free.

    Skyfire is playing in a pyramide scheme where people would pay once for the application, but continue to suck huge amounts of bandwidth. So to pay for that, Skyfire would have to sell even more, but those people would suck up bandwidth too.

    Skyfire always sucked, and they never had a business model that actually worked.

  5. micah says:

    Getting fed up with the Trolls infesting this site.
    Is there any Moderators out there ?

    • Ichann says:

      Not in the long run.

      In the mean time you might want to apple for a position

      As all you seem to do is point out whos a troll.