Stable Google Chrome Releases Every 6 Weeks

By | July 27, 2010

Stable Google Chrome Releases Every 6 WeeksJust recently Google has introduced their new Chrome release cycle. According to it, new stable browser versions will now be available every 6 weeks. Therefore, major version numbers will be changing much faster.

There are three reasons for such change, company said:

Shorten the release cycle and still get great features in front of users when they are ready
Make the schedule more predictable and easier to scope
Reduce the pressure on engineering to “make” a release

What do you think about release cycle shift? Still excited about Google Chrome 10?

Thanks to Blake for the news tip.


About (Author Profile)

Vygantas is a former web designer whose projects are used by companies such as AMD, NVIDIA and departed Westood Studios. Being passionate about software, Vygantas began his journalism career back in 2007 when he founded Having said that, he is also an adrenaline junkie who enjoys good books, fitness activities and Forex trading.

Comments (5)

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  1. Tiago Sá says:

    Spyware like Chrome can be update every hour and the user will never know… This doesn’t really matter at all. Chrome hasn’t had a major release since forever. 1.0 was the first one and the only one.

    • amrio da costa says:

      chrome may be fast as for now but not for long :P
      for 8mb to 19mb?
      & people call Firefox a bloat?
      sends data home,extension system which is a joke for devs,version system a crap,cpu usage is sky high
      & i am a dev but hate it ..
      google thinks its the only one & users are just money making machines

  2. ON_1 says:

    That’s too much. Seems like it’s time for me to switch back to stable channel

  3. Andylee says:

    I fear they are like totally crushing the well established system of release numbers everybody (more or less) sticked to for several years now.
    Of course they are fast in development (faster than anybody else) because of their incredible manpower, but still they are behind nearly every other browser (including IE9), except in terms of speed, where they are clearly fighting their only competitor Opera for the crown.
    They are new to the market and there are still lots and lots of features (just to mention the print preview which is now not coming in Chrome 6 but in Chrome 7) other browsers already have for years now.
    When they are up to Chrome 10 they will have about the same set of features as a naked Firefox installation. Thats a more or less feature complete browser than which will be able to (and in the long term definitely will) replace Mozilla completely, just because Mozilla does not have the workforce to keep up with the chrome development.
    This again leaves the market to the following browsers (with their main target group in brackets):
    Chrome (Open Source)
    Opera (Websuite)
    IE (Windows)
    Safari (Mac)
    Nothing really changed, except of the fact that the Open Source part of the browser market has switched from a very open project (Firefox) to a project directed by Google.
    Worrying about the future
    Opera Campus Crew

  4. Jim from PA says:

    The competition has been working hard to make releases available while Chrome has stood still. Tom’s Hardware just released a performance review of browsers and Opera won. I use Chromium for Linux and they are up to version 6.0.477. Not sure why Chrome is still on But you have to give Google/Chrome credit for waking up the audience. They made performance suddenly important and fashionable. I still prefer Firefox on both Windows 7 and Ubuntu. Though not as fast as Chrome/Chromium/Opera/Safari, Firefox works on whatever website I visit. The release of Firefox 4.0 soon should close the speed gap even more for Firefox.  But in the end, competition is a good thing…