Web Browsers as Famous Girls

By | December 8, 2008

Via my.opera.com

IE vs Firefox vs Opera


About (Author Profile)

Vygantas is a former web designer whose projects are used by companies such as AMD, NVIDIA and departed Westood Studios. Being passionate about software, Vygantas began his journalism career back in 2007 when he founded FavBrowser.com. Having said that, he is also an adrenaline junkie who enjoys good books, fitness activities and Forex trading.

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  1. Girls as Browsers (Pics) v2 | December 8, 2008
  1. Foo says:

    So… could anyone explain who they are and what exactly they are famous for? They all look like some washed up junkies to me, only separated by “class”.

  2. Morbus says:

    The opera chick is hooooooooot.

    Anyway, it’s a wonder why people keep thinking Firefox is less secure than Opera, when it’s the other way around.

  3. DeclinedDoomed says:

    Is that Paris Hilton labeled as Firefox? I think I get the joke there: they’re both overrated.

  4. From my.opera.com

    opera is the nerdy chick with the awesome rack kept hidden under an ungainly sweater. firefox is the loudmouth slut with hella STDs

  5. DeclinedDoomed says:


  6. Morghus says:

    Opera is a young Scarlett Johanson. Firefox is Paris Hilton. Safari is Ms Beckham. IE is Tonya Harding.

  7. Ganiha says:

    Morbus strikes again..

    “it’s a wonder why people keep thinking Firefox is less secure than Opera, when it’s the other way around”

    Nonsense. Opera has fewer security issues overall, and fewer open ones at any time.

  8. Fer84 says:

    Opera is equal or more secure than FF. SURE

  9. tetra says:

    I love scarlet, and “Is that Paris Hilton labeled as Firefox? I think I get the joke there: they’re both overrated.” got the point :D
    A little explanation to Tonya: she was the girl who got her rival beaten up with some punching guys…

  10. kamel says:

    Fire Fox is the beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeest

  11. joe says:

    wat are u talking about the opera chick being hot can none of u see the safari chick?????